
Well Known Member
Greetings! I just joined the forum. I was looking for a new members area but didn't see one. Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a 400 hour private pilot with an interest in RVs. I really like all the models but particularly the 8 or the 4. I don't think I'm ready to build (maybe one day), but would like to find out as much as I can about buying one.

I hope to be a good contributor as well!
Welcome Jim! (I can't believe I beat Mike to the welcome!).

Looking forward to hearing about your RV adventures in the future, and again welcome.

Jim nice to have you here. There is a sizable contingent in MA and NH. The most famous Turbo has arrived as well for his summer gig. Get that RV asap we need to replenish the ranks at Flash Mob Squadron. :D

Jim, welcome! I have found this to be one of the best resources and communities out there. Now don't wait and just get your empennage kit on the way! :D
Greetings! I just joined the forum. I was looking for a new members area but didn't see one. Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a 400 hour private pilot with an interest in RVs. I really like all the models but particularly the 8 or the 4. I don't think I'm ready to build (maybe one day), but would like to find out as much as I can about buying one.

I hope to be a good contributor as well!

Welcome Jim. Lot's of RV'ers in Ma. More than I knew when I first bought my plane.

Lots of lore and knowledge, here, about -4 vs -8 and buying either one of them.
Jim, welcome


Come to RV Central! I will show you some RV airplanes under construction. Some flying ones. And some for sale ones. This is not called RVCentral for nothing.
I like the RV 8 enough that I built one and owne one. Come see it.
Thank you all!

I've never flown in an RV. I sat in (I believe) an RV7 at Sun n Fun 2 years ago. We're going to Oshkosh for the first time this year....very excited!

Is there anyone in Mass or surrounding that might be willing to offer a ride for familiarity? Right now, I mostly fly 2 light sports (Jabiru and Pipersport) that a friend has for sale. I've also owned a 172 and a Cherokee 160.

Come to RV Central! I will show you some RV airplanes under construction. Some flying ones. And some for sale ones. This is not called RVCentral for nothing.
I like the RV 8 enough that I built one and owne one. Come see it.

Thanks, Jay! My girl used to live in Austin and likes to go back for visits. I'll definitely put it on my calendar next time we go down there!