
Active Member
This is my first post.

I just got word that my deal finally went through, and I'm the new owner of a 2013 RV-12, with all the bells and whistles.

Only 140 hours on it. PPI is being done now, as soon as I get the AOK from the PPI, along with answers to a couple questions I had (how much AVgas or lead has been run-but with only 140 hours total on the engine/plane I expect a good report), I'll be sending the remainder of my money and then they are delivering the plane to me!

I have a hangar lined up, we still need to iron out a few things like who's going to carry the insurance (owner is personally financing a small amount for 1 year), but in a week or 2, or 3, depending mainly on weather (it's been raining solid here for a month in NorCal), as soon as we get a good enough break in the weather they'll be delivering my new (to me) RV-12 to my home airport!

This my first plane, although I have a long history in aviation that goes back to my Grandfather, who was one of THE first pilots for United (flew Ford Tri-Motors and DC-3's) and my grandmother was one of the first 20 airline stewardesses in the world (for United as well). That's where they met.

My grandfather was killed, landing on approach at Oakland International in 1929 I think. At the time, a number of DC-3's had gone down just after the pilots had radioed in that everything was fine, but the planes were all destroyed to the point of not being able to determine why. Through my Grandfather's crash, they found that the clip for the radio mike was just above the controls, and if the pilot missed the clip, the mike fell down into the controls and jammed up the controls, causing the crashes. My Grandfather's crash instilled a change in ALL planes at the time, requiring a boot to be put around the yoke or stick, to keep this from ever happening again.

My Dad flew F4's and F-104's in the Air Force, and owned a 182 when I was just a wee tot. I was taking trips to Baja and Mexico before I was even born. My Dad at the time was a big game fisherman, so we flew to Baja and Mexico almost every weekend.

My Dad recently bought a sweet little gem of an Ercoupe, which we flew every weekend together until he flew back to Phoenix where he winters.

I'm still a student pilot, but couldn't handle the fact that my $245 lessons were $200 plane rental, and so I decided to buy my own plane, take my lessons in my own plane, and save the $6000 or so and put that towards the new plane!

It's time this generation of my family carry on the history of aviation that runs so deep in my family!

I can't wait to finally get my RV-12 and begin my lessons and enjoying what I think is one of the best LSA's available (I've researched for months).

So anyways, just wanted to say HI, I'll probably have lots of questions once i get the plane, so I expect i'll be fairly active here on this forum.

I look forward to meeting new friends and fellow pilots.

Welcome to VAF!

This is my first post.

I just got word that my deal finally went through, and I'm the new owner of a 2013 RV-12, with all the bells and whistles.


So anyways, just wanted to say HI, I'll probably have lots of questions once i get the plane, so I expect i'll be fairly active here on this forum.

I look forward to meeting new friends and fellow pilots.


Mike, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Always good to have another Mike on board.
Welcome Aboard!!!!

You will love your bird.. I'm just about ready to make my first flight in mine (if the weather would cooperate). This forum is great...lots of neat folks who love to offer help and make the "Adventures Happen".

Use to live in your neck of the woods..Healdsburg. You'll be getting good weather in a little while..enjoy!
Welcome Mike...

Similar story here. My father flew B-17H in WWII and he taught me to fly in 1970 when I was in high school. We talked aviation as a second language and shared a ’46 J-3 Cub for over twenty years. I sold the Cub four months ago and bought a RV-12 with 50TT from original builder. Thought I’d miss the Cub but the 12 is so sweet the smile on my face is permanent. My nephew got his license because of my father so for a while we had three generations flying. My nephew has a 180hp Cardinal with constant speed prop. He’s instrument-rated and flies backcountry all over the PNW.

Good to have you on board. All who are here are very knowledgeable and helpful. You’re going to love the 12. Keep us posted on your progress...
Mike --

Welcome to the Santa Rosa RV-12 community -- we currently have five RV-12s based at STS with several more in the North Bay area. Give me a call (707-953-5021) or email ([email protected]) and we can talk RV-12s.

-- David
Thanks for the great welcome!

I'll post back tomorrow when I have a little time.

Grandfather's last name was Decesare (family of Ceasar), I only knew my step grandfather briefly as he passed away when I was 3 or 4. He was a great man as well.

I look forward to the future and RV-12 ownership.

It's an SLSA. And I forgot to mention it has autopilot as well!
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Good move, Mike! You will love your 12. I always tell people interested in getting a pilot license that it is cheaper in the long run to do it in your own plane. If you pick one like the 12 you can learn, get your license and sell it for what you paid for it if you want to move on, but my guess is you'll become too attached to your 12 to ever let it go!

I agree!

I've researched (as I do everything). and compared to, say, a Cessna 182, we have the 182 burning I think about 10 gallons/hr, the RV burns 4-5 per hr.

Annuals for a 182 I've read are around $4000, the RV around $1000 or less.

Even if I WERE to get my full private license, I'd STILL be shopping in the light sport category. AND, if I had my way, (which I am now) I'd get the best LSA I can get, fastest, best quality, ease of ownership.

I have a hangar lined up at an undisclosed airport for $150/month (a favor from an old friend), and this plane will serve me for as long as I'm flying I expect.

Now, I have to admit, I'm a hotrodder. I race cars, I love speed, and high performance, and have this fault of never leaving well enough alone.

On my RV, I'll probably change a few things, I've seen some sweet looking interiors (mine has none), and on the test flight with two 220lb guys we climbed at 1300 FPM, and the plane flew at 120-125 knots at cruise.
Now me, I don't necessarily need 1300fpm climb rate, so I'm thinking a click on the prop pitch might get me a few extra knots, and some skinnier wheel pants, and gear fairings would slicken things up too. Of course I'd only fly at the 120 knot max speed, but it'll help with economy for sure, and if I had an emergency where I needed to go faster (you never know lol) I'd have the extra gumption there to use, and still be able to climb out at 1100fpm.

SO, someday, in the future, when I'm rich and famous, I REALLY like that FK Biplane, and with a ULSi on there, I'd LOVE to do aerobatics too!

I live from dream to dream. My last dream became a nightmare (I bought my dream car, a 72 Pantera) when I was literally taken to the cleaners, and lost Big Time.

I sold it, and it allowed me to get my RV, so my new dream begins.

I've got to get back to studying my Gleim online ground school course, and I'm looking forward to getting my plane here soon.

Still have a few things to finalize, and then look for a weather break big enough for them to deliver from Texas. I can't wait!
OK! It's official! I am officially an RV12 owner. Paid in full, registered, just waiting on delivery from Texas to North SF Bay Area.

Could be 2 days or 2 weeks, they are working on a flight plan, checking weather, but I've taken care of everything, just waiting on delivery.

I have my tie-down spot, access to a hangar, also just signed up for to get my badge for the airport which I should get next week.

Even if the plane arrived before I get my badge it's all good, they know it's coming, and everything is all paid up and ready to go.

I'm working crazy full-time-plus these days, but that'll drop to 3 days a week soon which will allow me to take lessons and do my ground school (Gleim online school), but It's all good.

I will probably take a few days just to settle down, and then get on to finding a good reliable instructor, and get on with getting my hours clicked off, and finishing my ground school.

I'll post pics soon.
Congratulations on getting the plane and a place to keep it, and good luck with lessons and getting your licence. I have an RV-12 and it's a great plane. Not the fastest RV and not aerobatic, but quick and agile in the air and easy to fly and land. It's great to see your enthusiasm, but the RV-12 is not an F15 and it works very well as designed. Your instructor may want you to re-think this a little ... Now, I have to admit, I'm a hotrodder. I race cars, I love speed, and high performance, and have this fault of never leaving well enough alone.
On my RV, I'll probably change a few things, I've seen some sweet looking interiors (mine has none), and on the test flight with two 220lb guys we climbed at 1300 FPM, and the plane flew at 120-125 knots at cruise.
Now me, I don't necessarily need 1300fpm climb rate, so I'm thinking a click on the prop pitch might get me a few extra knots, and some skinnier wheel pants, and gear fairings would slicken things up too. Of course I'd only fly at the 120 knot max speed, but it'll help with economy for sure, and if I had an emergency where I needed to go faster (you never know lol) I'd have the extra gumption there to use, and still be able to climb out at 1100fpm.

Keep in mind that any changes you wish to make to an SLSA must be approved in writing by the manufacturer.
I won't be modifying my plane past what the factory has done. I realize it's an SLSA.

Someday, I may get an aerobatic plane, but my intentions for this plane are to just fly and enjoy flying.

It can handle the heavier weights of me and my friends, and it IS right up there with the faster LSA's (Sonex not included) the Lightning is faster and sexier, but powered by an engine I cannot bring myself to own, especially on my first plane.
Someday I may get an aerobatic plane, but that's a LONG way's off, and it'll be a plane that's designed for that purpose. The FK Biplane definitely piques my interest!
Welcome Mike What Avionics?

Hi Mike I will have my RV-12 finished this spring and will be flying out of Lakeport just north of Santa Rosa. If you get up to Lampson Field give me a call. Rich 707.489.4243
Welcome to the North Bay RV community, Mike! We at Gnoss (KDVO) have at least 3 ELSA and 1 SLSA (on training/rental) RV-12. I help maintain one here and get to fly it a little bit.

I think a SF Bay Area RV-12-a-thon should be arranged! It would be fun to see them all together.
Count me in!

I've got a few months of lessons and ground school, and I then plan to spend more time in the air than on the ground.

An RV12 get-together would be great.

Just started a new job at Todd Begg Knives, a maker of some of THE nicest knives in the world! Check out their site, go to gallery, and drool. I'm making these things all day! They are like high end watches, some use them functionally, most go into collections.

Totally cool job, but it's taking all my time for the next few weeks, then I'll back off to 3-4 days a week, and I'll have time for lessons and study then.
Northern California RV-12 Get together

Hi all,

I'm Joe from Livermore and have an RV-12 under construction, One of two at Livermore.

I would be willing to host an RV-12 get together.

We could have it at my home in Livermore, I live only a few miles from the Livermore airport.

Or we could have it at my Hanger at the Livermore Airport.

Or we could pick some other Location.

I'm thinking a Saturday in mid May when the weather is likely to be good and warm but not too hot.

Grill some burgers and talk airplane construction.

Let me know what you think about location and early next week I will post an Invitation on a new thread.
Well, I know around May 20-23 I'm going to be in Baja, helping celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday.

I know, life is rough, but on those days I hope to be reeling in a Marlin, or Dorado,, or Roosterfish, or tuna, or any number of delectable aquatic catchables.
Joe -- Livermore Airport sounds great. Perhaps some of the five RV-12s up here at KSTS would attend. Keep me advised and I can pass the word. -- David
RV-12 get together

OK, Thanks David and Mike

Command decision (Hopefully)

Date: May 14th

Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 PM

Location: Livermore Airport, Hanger 112 (NE corner of LVK)

Lunch: Provided by the Arluck's

How does this work for everyone here.

OK, I've been told they plan to deliver my plane to the Santa Rosa Airport on Thursday afternoon.

Checking weather it says "AM showers" so I think the pilot should have no issues.

I DID express to them that the forecast was for rain, but they said they had it all covered, and the pilot should be leaving today.

Once I have the plane, I'm going to need to seek help for sure.

I've only test flown the plane for 1.5 hours, and really know nothing about the plane, so I'm in search of someone who can familiarize me with my plane once it arrives.

I've got a line on an instructor, and I think he even has some time in the RV12, so he might be all I need, but I'll know more after I get the plane safely in it's hangar.

This has been a month long ordeal, a trip to texas for test flight, haggling, then all the details, insurance, Hangar, etc.

Once the plane is safely in it's hangar, I plan to take a few days to get things sorted out, instructor, get my questions answered, get familiar with the plane, and then on to taking my flying lessons and ground school!
Joe --

May 14 works for me. When you finalize the date, let me know and I will communicate it to the STS RV-12 group.

-- David
Welcome to the RV-12 club, Mike!

I have an S-LSA also with dual G3x Touch screens, autopilot, and GDL39R. It's a sweet little machine. Like your dad, I was an Air Force pilot (for 20 years) and now fly the 12 every chance I get. You'll find it an excellent trainer as well as a heck of a lot of fun to boot.

I'm on the East Coast so I can't join the fly-in, but I know you'll have a blast.

All the best with your training in the 12!
Thanks very much!

Mine's a 2013 model, can't remember if the Dynon is touch or not, but it also has autopilot, and only 130 hours, well, 140 after delivery!

I originally had my sights set on the Lightning, super sexy, but after reading about the powerplant, I scratched it off my list. Next in line was the 12, checks all the boxes for me. I expect to train in it, and it should servwe me for many years. I don't see myself going to full private license or bigger planes, unless I win the lottery.
Plane was due thursday, but downed today by a tfr? So I'm assuming Friday is now the earliest delivery date.
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Welcome to the RV-12 club, Mike!

I have an S-LSA also with dual G3x Touch screens, autopilot, and GDL39R. It's a sweet little machine. Like your dad, I was an Air Force pilot (for 20 years) and now fly the 12 every chance I get. You'll find it an excellent trainer as well as a heck of a lot of fun to boot.

I'm on the East Coast so I can't join the fly-in, but I know you'll have a blast.

All the best with your training in the 12!

Bill, do you fly out of Davis, Clearview? A bunch of RV guys get together from Cecil County and Pottstown and go somewhere every weekend. Sometimes the real famous RV guy from St. MAry's joins us. If you are interested, send me a pm with you cell#.
I got word and the time they were landing, and as I approached the airport, I got a text saying they would be landing in 8 minutes!

I pulled in JUST in time to see the plane land! That was something I really did want to see.

The delivery pilot was in a huge hurry, so he was off and away before we barely had a chance to say hello.

The plane is now being rained on for the first time in it's life, in a couple hours a friend is coming to help me taxi the plane to the hangar, as my AOA badge has not arrived yet, and the hangar is at the far end of the airport, and I don't know the airport well enough.

If my badge had come in on time, I could have had the tower just direct them over to my hangar area, and I could have had them follow me in my truck to the hangar, but, that didn't happen, so (I'm naming her Christy, short for Chrysopelea, which means "flying Snake") is getting a free washing today.

Once in the hangar, I'm going to take a day or 2 just to digest this whole month of everything that it took to get this plane (ALL my money, favors from friends, hangar, tie-down spot, AOA badge, inquiring about instruction after I get the plane, just everything, it's been taxing) and just relax.

Working full time right now, so I'm going to have to make arrangements for lessons (soon backing off to 3 days a week, MAYBE) but I can't wait to start flying in MY OWN PLANE!!!!

I just couldn't swallow paying $250 per lesson, $200 of which which was plane rental. That's $7000-$8000 I could throw at buying the plane.

Christy will be safely in her new hangar in an hour or 2, and all will be aligned in the universe.
Congratulations. I hope you will enjoy. Please post a picture of the plane and yourself with the famous RV Grin in your face.
Christy is in jail right now until my AOA badge comes in, as I can't get into the airport (or out) without the AOA badge. Should hopefully be in next week.
The Ferry pilot quickly went over the buttons and starting sequence, which is easy enough.

When my 787 pilot friend came to help me taxi the plane across the airport to the hangar, he hit the key and nothing! No clicks, no nothing. I noticed the big red "Spar Pin Override" was illuminated, so I pushed that, and the plane fired up.

Now, this was the first time this plane has gotten wet, or rained on.

My friend's time is VERY important, and we weren't "rushing", but it was a "get'er done" type situation.

I suspect there was probably an accompanying flashing warning on the Dynon Skyview, but neither of us were looking at that at all, we were just wanting it out of the parking lot it was in and across the airport and into it's new hangar.

I've read here about others having probs with the switches for the spar pin button, I'm hoping when the plane dries up that this will simply go away, but if not, it'll be something I'm going to have to troubleshoot.

I read about one person simply wiggling the pins and fixing the issue, so I'll try that first. Already tried wiggling the wings, but they're solidly fastened, no play or movement was felt.

Checking those pins will be part of my pre-flight check, so they'll be physically checked every time I fly, but it would suck if this continues and I have to go chasing a problem from day one.
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It would be hard to imagine the wing pins coming loose by themselves, assuming the plane was assembled correctly. Naturally it should be part of the preflight to check them, but "wing spar pins came loose" would be a little like "engine fell off", it's not something that is going to happen without some help.

I had the warning light come on one day. There's a little plastic (looks like Nylon or HDPE) plug holding the magnet in the spar pin handle. One side of mine had started creeping out of the tube, and even though everything was securely locked in place the magnet was no longer close enough to the reed switch. Two second fix, once I found it... I just tapped the part back into place.

Overall though... on the subject of "chasing oddball problems that pop up for no apparent reason"... welcome to airplane ownership. :)
My friend bought an SLSA RV-12. It was delivered with an inoperable EGT and one spar reed switch that wasn't working. After replacing the EGT it failed two months later at the sensor (not the wiring connector). Then his tire went flat with what appears to be a substandard tube (no puncture but several abraded areas that leak air). Last week his fuel pressure sensor failed high off scale. All this with just 50 hours on the Hobbs.

On the other hand my ELSA has 427 hours on it with only one failed EGT sensor as a maintenance issue. Maybe it's luck of the draw, but it would be interesting to see if there is an SLSA pattern of issues.
I really doubt anything has worked loose, or that there's anything wrong actually, just probably water or the pin wiggling a little is my guess.

My AOA badge should be here any time, the plane is "in jail" until then unless i go in with someone else.

My badge should be here next week so I can get to my plane without anyone's assistance, and I can look at things myself.

It would be hard to imagine the wing pins coming loose by themselves, assuming the plane was assembled correctly. Naturally it should be part of the preflight to check them, but "wing spar pins came loose" would be a little like "engine fell off", it's not something that is going to happen without some help.

I had the warning light come on one day. There's a little plastic (looks like Nylon or HDPE) plug holding the magnet in the spar pin handle. One side of mine had started creeping out of the tube, and even though everything was securely locked in place the magnet was no longer close enough to the reed switch. Two second fix, once I found it... I just tapped the part back into place.

Overall though... on the subject of "chasing oddball problems that pop up for no apparent reason"... welcome to airplane ownership. :)
Most likely the pilot or passenger put their weight on the Arm Rest, bending it just enough to affect the operation of the magnetic reed switch.
Wiggled the spar pin on the passenger side and the spar pin override light went right out! YAY!

AOA badge will hopefully be in this week, then, maybe I could get some help from an RV12 owner from Santa Rosa to give my buddy a checkout flight or two so we can go flying in my plane between my lessons. My insurance says any pilot that flys in my plane has to be checked out with I think 1 or 5 hours in an RV12 and then he can fly my plane (or fly with me in my plane).

Found an instructor, going to work out a schedule soon, as soon as i figure out my work schedule for the future.

We're going to take Christy over to his hangar and clean her up, pop the cowling and give everything a checkover. Give her a good wash.

I also need to find a good, cheap car cover I can cut up to make wing and tail covers so dust doesn't develop.

I've got a lot of research to do, I want to do an oil change, and send off a sample to Blackstone, just for kicks.

The owner told me he put some things in the plane that weren't in the plane, but I suspect since they delivered with 2 people, that they may have taken any extra weight out. I'm going to call and see if that stuff is at the place where I bought it.

I did find what I think are the log books and instruction manuals for the plane and Dynon Skyview, haven't looked at them yet though.