
I'm New Here
Hi everyone,

I've been lurking on these forums for a number of years now and have gathered a ton of knowledge from all of you. There is a lot to absorb and I can say that this forum was one of the reasons I finally decided to start my RV-7 build.

I ordered and received my empennage kit back in the spring of 2019 and have been (very) slowly progressing on the build. I started with the wing and toolbox practice kits and learned a lot working through those "tutorials". Currently I'm working through the horizontal stabilizer, which is teaching me even more!

Being up here in the Great White North, the colder temperature in the shop in these winter months slows progress a bit. Working with what feels like (and probably is!) frozen aluminum requires a few more breaks back in the house to warm up!

Thanks again to all for sharing your experiences on the forum, it is an invaluable resource for RV builders!

Anyhow, just wanted to give a quick intro and I know I will be posting with more questions during the course of the build!

Welcome to VAF Phil

I?ve just started building an RV-8. If you?re ever going to be up in the Muskoka area, drop me a note. You?re welcome to check it out, even if I?m not very far along.

Welcome to the RV world!

Hey Phil, nice to hear of another RV coming to the great white north! Pop into CNC3 Brampton some Saturday morning. We meet for breakfast or a fly out if the weather is ok. There are a dozen various RV's on the field. I have a 7 and we have four 7A's if you ever wanted to have a look.

Enjoy the build!

Congratulations. Wish I could offer advise, but I'm building a 7a! :D
Kidding of course. Tons of info on my blog including an Excel Builders Log with a complete 7(a) (both) inventory. Feel free to ask before making any of my mistakes. :D
Seriously, please review the VAF "Gotcha" thread. Several of us have tried to document issues as we build.
Congrats! I too lurked for a while to help me figure out if building was right for me. This forum was the nudge I needed and it continues to be a valuable source through my project. Don't underestimate local help though. Getting experienced eyes on your project (be it a tech counselor or just another builder) is valuable.

Find and read through builder logs available on the internet. Read entries for the tasks your about to do. Also, whenever you pick up a new part, do a VAF search of the part number. You'll almost always find questions and lessons learned when working with said part that might keep you from having to replace it :)

Here is one I use as my primary

Larry's (wirejock's) is another good one but do a search and you'll find others that will be useful.
Being up here in the Great White North, the colder temperature in the shop in these winter months slows progress a bit. Working with what feels like (and probably is!) frozen aluminum requires a few more breaks back in the house to warm up!

Welcome aboard Dr PHIL :)

Great choice of AirCraft and you?re in a good spot there since there?s so much camaraderie down in the Toronto area, Even though it?s cold outside, this is a fantastic time of year to get some undisturbed time in the shop, As for the cold please look at the big picture and spend 1 or 2% of your project budget on keeping your work area warm enough that you want to be there , even if for only 10 hours a week, fumbling with 3?3 rivets in a cold shop is no fun , Plus you might as well bite the bullet now because when the time comes, your shop needs to be 70? to work on the canopy, odds are it won?t be July!

Congrats! I too lurked for a while to help me figure out if building was right for me. This forum was the nudge I needed and it continues to be a valuable source through my project. Don't underestimate local help though. Getting experienced eyes on your project (be it a tech counselor or just another builder) is valuable.

Find and read through builder logs available on the internet. Read entries for the tasks your about to do. Also, whenever you pick up a new part, do a VAF search of the part number. You'll almost always find questions and lessons learned when working with said part that might keep you from having to replace it :)

Here is one I use as my primary

Larry's (wirejock's) is another good one but do a search and you'll find others that will be useful.

Thanks. What? Not the primary? My feelings are hurt. Kidding of course. I document so others don't make my mistakes.

Get some heat. I live in the mountains of Colorado at 7,500'. Seems like it's always close to freezing or way below outside. First thing I do every morning is turn on the garage heater. After coffee, it's nice and warm 50-60. You learn how to deal with it. Hit me up for tips anytime.

And here I thought you were going to build an 8!

I miss building. Just finished the annual on my -8.

Give me a call and we?ll go for a rip.

Firstly, thank you all for the replies. This is exactly why I've liked this forum while lurking over the years: Great people with great comments and words of encouragement! Don't worry, I won't start a primer thread ... yet ;)

I?ve just started building an RV-8. If you?re ever going to be up in the Muskoka area, drop me a note. You?re welcome to check it out, even if I?m not very far along.

Rich, I will definitely take you up on that offer when I venture up to your area. Please let me know if you're heading "down south", I'd be happy to show you my progress. Don't have many rivets to show off ... yet!

Pop into CNC3 Brampton some Saturday morning. We meet for breakfast or a fly out if the weather is ok.

Al, what time is "breakfast" on Saturdays? I'd love to see a few flying '7's!
Tons of info on my blog including an Excel Builders Log with a complete 7(a) (both) inventory. Feel free to ask before making any of my mistakes. :D
Seriously, please review the VAF "Gotcha" thread. Several of us have tried to document issues as we build.

Larry, I've probably been through your website from front to back ... a few times! Full of wonderful information and great tips. Thanks for all the effort putting that together. I'm still working on getting my blog up and running.

The "Gotcha" thread has already been useful to me!

I also have your Google Sheets builders log, and have modified it slightly. Honestly the $$$ totals is not my favourite page! :eek:
Heat in the shop

Even though it?s cold outside, this is a fantastic time of year to get some undisturbed time in the shop, As for the cold please look at the big picture and spend 1 or 2% of your project budget on keeping your work area warm enough that you want to be there , even if for only 10 hours a week, fumbling with 3?3 rivets in a cold shop is no fun , Plus you might as well bite the bullet now because when the time comes, your shop needs to be 70? to work on the canopy, odds are it won?t be July!

Get some heat. I live in the mountains of Colorado at 7,500'. Seems like it's always close to freezing or way below outside. First thing I do every morning is turn on the garage heater. After coffee, it's nice and warm 50-60. You learn how to deal with it. Hit me up for tips anytime.

Yeah, I've been putting off turning on the heater I do have, mainly because it's electric (and a bit pricey to run). Adding it to the "airplane budget" is a good idea, taking a bit out of the overall budget is a good way to justify the comfort.

I guess we shouldn't suffer (too much) to justify the build!
And here I thought you were going to build an 8!

I miss building. Just finished the annual on my -8.

Give me a call and we?ll go for a rip.

It's already been a year?!? Wow, time sure flies (pun intended).

Now that work has calmed down a bit I will definitely give you a shout soon. Looking forward to seeing your -8!

The better half prefers the side-by-side seating, so the -7 was the next choice.

[QUOTE Al, what time is "breakfast" on Saturdays? I'd love to see a few flying '7's![/QUOTE]

Guys trickle in starting around 8 until around 9am. Hope to see you there!
Hello Phil. This past November was the two year mark in my -7 build. I received my finish kit just before Christmas. I absolutely love the build process! Welcome to the crew and I hope the best for your project.