
Well Known Member
Finished the Recreation Aviation Australia required 25 hr test period in our 9a. And when the open rego arrived by mail, Robyn dragged me out the door to take her for her first flight. It was very bumpy on the day and having a height restriction in our area meant we had to put up with it.

Here is a video she put together of her day. The glair shield HD 180 Drift camera wasn't mounted properly, and gave a view like a left wing down.
Good on ya', Bob!
I watched the youtube video of the first flight. What did you determine the cause of the rough running engine was?
Nice RV...Hope you have many hours of enjoyment exploring your wonderful country!
Stale fuel (Mogas) was the cause of the rough running on 1st flight Mark. Our house and business workshop went under in the January floods here in Qld (Aust). The 9a sat for three months at the airport, while we worked cleaning up etc.

The 0-235 does not have the punch of the more cubed engines, but it has averaged 5.15 GPH through the 31 hrs we have clocked up so far.
Robyn looked very comfortable right from the start (taxi out). Nice video, and I especially liked the "Pic-in-Pic" view of forward view within the cockpit view. Nice touch!