
Well Known Member
Here is my first panel layout. This will be a IFR cross country panel for a RV-9I will use a GTX23ES remote Transponder and a GDL39 for ADS-B. I believe I am OK without a Hobbs, Clock, compass, flap position, trim indicator and volt meter as they are in the G3X.
Sorry the picture is hard to read but that is a GNS430W in the stack.
I had problems getting a AutoCAD .dwg to print where I could get it on line.
That's not a bad layout. Here's a fairly recent one we did with similar equipment...

It puts the PFD smack center of pilot field of view, and leaves the screens as high up on the panel as possible (which is what you want).


Looks good

Just a couple of thoughts.

I'd make a row across the bottom for switches. Stacking switches could be an issue. Always think CRM!!!!

I'd dump the 430W since that line is discontinued. Go with the 750. You can then hide audio panel and transponder for a very clean look.

The panel Stein displayed looks ideal. On that one I'd use the VPX and lose the circuit breakers:)
1. Stein is almost right, you usually want the EFIS as high as you can. I mounted my (GRT HX, landscaped mode) lower, because I wear bifocals. Where it is now, I can go from AI to outside with eye movement only, no head movement. So customize to fit your needs.
2. Garmin is offering the GPS-400W at a very attractive price for buyers of the G3X. I'd consider that, the SL-30, and an inexpensive back up com, instead of the 430/SL-30 combo. The SL-30 can multiplex, it's almost as good as having 2 VORs and that's 2 more than you'll probably use. And one ILS is enough.

Whether or not to upgrade to the GTN series is a matter of budget. The 400 series certainly work just fine. After all, there are plenty of 172's flying IFR with no GPS.
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One obscure thought:

Does the G3X display the 400/430 annunciations (VLOC/GPS; ENROUTE, TERMINAL, LNAV, LPV, etc)?
If it does not, then there are certification rules as to how far away the 400/430 box can be from the AI (pilot's main line of sight). The distances are found in the Garmin installation manuals. Your layout looks to me like the 400/430 may be a little too far to the right to meet these rules. I have never heard of a DAR rejecting a plane for these reasons, but you don't want to be the first. And, really, you do want to see these lights. As a CFI I cannot tell you how many times I've watched someone fly when they think they are tracking the GPS when the box says "VLOC", and they can't figure out why the map and the CDI are in disagreement.
How many airplane unit$ go into a panel like that these days?

At the moment, that assortment of goodies as shown with 3 screens, etc.. (assuming a newer GTN box) ends up being right around $30K +/-. Also includes the remote ADS-B box that you don't see. Reasonably similar in price across most mfgr platforms as well.

Regarding Bob's comments, he makes some good points. Most all of the modern EFISes take care and satisfy the annunications anyway (additionally by making you physically select the nav source, and those sources being annunciated as well as color coded), along with OBS tuning, being taken care of in the EFIS. Aside from that, I just walked out and measured another RV7 panel...and that spot of the radio stack is 10" from the pilot center of view in an RV7/9...well within the 11.8/12.1" requirement for the GNS boxes, in fact you have quite a bit of fudge factor there to play with (typically in order to avoid hitting that center rib).

The 400W is an excellent option for those that already have a stack and want to add a certified GPS, but not neccesarily a great one if you're already getting an SL-30 because as of late I could get you into a GTN-650 box within hundreds of dollars of that aformentioned combo...or I can still get you into a new 430W for less than that combo. Naturally we like the GTN route because it's current, it has airways, it's a marvelous box to use, and if you're already spending $25-$30K on the panel, the possible $500-$1K difference is probably worth it. I do agree that perhaps a 2nd comm radio is a nice to have and to me more important than a 2nd VOR receiver. You're already going to have 3+ GPSes in the plane, plus a NAV receiver, so my point is you're not limited with sources of NAV...but if you're in Canada that's a different story all together!

I don't want to hijack this thread, I'm just trying to give the original poster and idea of what similar finished panels might look like with similar equipment as he's chosen, as well as similar layouts. Here's another similar one with the VPX instead of breakers.

Just my 2 cents as usual!


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Here is my first panel layout. This will be a IFR cross country panel for a RV-9I will use a GTX23ES remote Transponder and a GDL39 for ADS-B. I believe I am OK without a Hobbs, Clock, compass, flap position, trim indicator and volt meter as they are in the G3X.

Seems like the switches were kind of thrown on there, if it were me, I'd like them to look a bit more "arranged"...

See my thread ( I'm planning on doing a row of switches on the bottom.
Thank you for the replies

I have to admit that Stein's first post was a Duh! moment. I kept seeing other two efis panels that to me looked offset. I thought why do they have them to the right that looks funny. I was thinking that the two screens needed to be centered. Having the PRIMARY Flight display centered instead makes perfect since. Thanks Stein. Now as you say I can get them up and get switches underneath where they belong. New drawing to follow. I may even eliminate the SL-30. When I am ready to buy the parts I will be looking at the GTN and GTS for best value.
Thanks for the picture Stein, I had not seen these on your site.
I'd make a row across the bottom for switches. ...

On that one I'd use the VPX and lose the circuit breakers:)
Or make a row of switches across the top. really happy that we put them there.

Or instead of a VPX uses fuses. We have 6 breakers and the rest are fuses.
Second design

OK with the recommendations from Stein I have moved the G3X displays to the right to get the PFD in front of the pilot.

Is the flap toggle best above the throttle. I am used to it being futher right but most seem to want it centered.
Are most using just one comm and Nav.
I may eliminate the SL-30
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I think you'll find everything from 2 VOR/ILS & 2 certified GPS to just a single GPS to just a single VOR. I will say that I have yet to see a US RV with an ADF. You have to decide your risk tolerance. For myself, it was one VOR and one GPS, but in separate boxes, so one failure would not have me resorting to emergency backups. Same reason I have two coms. Also why I went with the expensive SL-30. I have two EFIS displays but only one has an ARINC converter. If I had a 430 and the EFIS with the ARINC converter died, the VOR would be useless. The SL30 has a serial output, easy to wire to both EFIS units for redundancy. And of course, you have to figure in the budget. Putting it all in one box is cheaper.
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