
Well Known Member
Just thought I would start with the over sensationalized opening line

My first oil sample went in for analysis last month after about 270 hours. Compressions normal and scope looks good. As the first, it won't offer much info except a snapshot in time, just thought it was time to get a trend going for future use. The good news is that she's doing fine.

Takeaway: the only thing slightly unusual about this engine is the build (Aerosport, I think they do good work), the hours per year (about 135/yr) and frequent use. The break in was normal on Shell 100 weight. I run Philips XC and Camguard on the first fill after each change and burn about 2qts/50hrs. Also fly well LOP whenever possible. Usual flying includes plenty of acro and a mix of short runs (some 10-20 minutes) and long XC's as well.

So fly 'em, they seem to like that!


  • N515WB-230718 redacted.pdf
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higher than normal Si points to possible leakage in your air cleaner box. Si typical comes from unfiltered air.
silicone in oil

Heads up.
Another thing Silicone comes from is installing NEW silicone valve cover gaskets after the last oil change.
I did it, and got a call that I had a problem. Problem went away by the next oil change.
My luck varies Fixit
Alt Air?

If you have the Alt Air door installed... check for leaks (or that it has popped open). A recurrent high Si report in my oil because of this. I finally fixed it and my Si levels are good. Fix was to block the thing off.

Another possibility is a shrunken air filter no longer sealing very well.
Heads up.
Another thing Silicone comes from is installing NEW silicone valve cover gaskets after the last oil change.
I did it, and got a call that I had a problem. Problem went away by the next oil change.
My luck varies Fixit

Silicon (Si) <> Silicone (CH3[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3)

Silicon in the oil sample is usually from dusty/sandy air... Check those filters...
Looks like a very good oil report to me. I would follow the advice from Blackstone and continue monitoring to build trends.