
Well Known Member
I still have a lot of work to do on the -12's 'finish kit' but I ordered/received the avionics kit to avoid any price increase at year's end.

Now I wonder what your take on the engine/firewall forward kit might be relative to any price increase. Since it was only recently announced and available there may not be one, but the value of the dollar is dropping so much that there may have to be one.

I am of the thought to pay for the engine/etc before the end of the year to avoid even a small increase, since the money to pay for it isn't earning squat anyhow.

Your ideas?
price increase

I've been thinking along the same lines. Talked to some financial folks about expectations re: dollar v euro. No solid opinions on whether dollar's freefall will continue. Agree that interest rates are no argument for holding cash.

What's given me pause is getting caught in an update or modification squeeze, whereby the engine I bought in November will require a mod which wouldn't have been necessary on one bought in April.

I talked to Vans and of course they will sell you the engine anytime but you better have a place to put it 'cause they ain't storing it for you.

Still undecided....
Don't worry about any changes to the motor making any problems, buy it now, it will only go up. The motor price Van's has NO CONTROL OVER. They get a discount but not much. All of the other parts on the engine package, if there are changes will not be of any significance from a cost standpoint. The 912 engine as delivered to Van's has been a frozen design for quite a while. The 15 year old rotax 912 I am mounting up fit's with no modifications just like a new one (execpt the pistons and camshaft and flowed heads to make the 100hp).
Lycoming had an engine increase about 3 weeks ago. I actually called Van's the day It happened don't remember the exact number but it was quite a large increase.
Wow !

I had the right idea about buying the firewall forward package now before a price incease but my timing was WAY OFF !

I lookked at Vasn's site to get an order blank and saw, for the first time, that the engine package has gone from $24,985 to $26,452, a 5.87% increase, or $1,467 more. This is just since its introduction.

Strangely I did not see any comments or other blogs on this significant increase, but its no matter; I am committed to the RV-12 and at this point its either 'eat' the increase or sell the project.

I am mailing off my depost today in hopes to take delivery prior to year's end. The delay time is shown as 6 to 8 weeks, so I should make it.

Here's a reply ... OUCH! :eek:

On the other hand, Garmin has lowered the price of their 496 GPS from $2,395 to $1999. I wonder if that action will save us any money? :confused:
Price Increase

For you long time builders out there... on a percentage basis, what have average price increases been in past years?
annual price increases from the Van's factory have averaged about 3%, about the same as inflation.

they are not raising prices this year til Jan 31, so you still have time to get your order in.