
Well Known Member
Well guys it happen this morning At 7:45 AM . As I mentioned earlier I want to take it to an airport with a LONG runway (1mile) . My grass strip is a bit short for a test flight ,so I trailered it up to Madison SD. attached is a picture of that
After some taxi testing. This morning it flew and it is a well designed craft. I have 2400 flight hours in my Challenger 2 (high wing 2 seat pusher rotax 503) So I knew that the fast responses on the controls would be something I would have to be attentive to. Well my brian knowns it by my hand and feet needed some schooling. Attached are some pictures of the flight . I had my sons girl friend flying in an RV 8 to get some in flight shots .

I cant write any more until later. Right now its Miller time.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD
Wow, Congratulations. I'm very excited for you. It only gets better. It sounds like an RV-12 IS still an RV.
One more picture od Maiden flight . This RV 8 in case for photos .


Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD
One more note . No flight issues every thing stable. No problem with power plant every thing running in normal ranges.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD

Congratulations!! I am looking forward to the same in the near future. Could be as soon as 2-4 weeks!! So happy to hear everything seemed to be normal.

Did you notice one wing heavier than the other?
Was the ball centered, hands/feet off?
How close was the IAS stall to the published numbers?
Maiden Flight

Congratulations Brad!!! I guess we've got to change OUR color scheme now...our plane is going to be white also, with some kind of blue something going down the side.
Meade and George
Congratulations Brad

Congratulations on your maiden flight, Brad. The entire group building RV-12's is excited for you, as well. Many of us won't be far behind now...I think it's only appropriate that an RV-8 flew 'chase plane'!

Jay and Carrie Sluiter
Albany, OR
First Flight

Well Done Brad after all that sweat & worry it has sky under the wheels Congradulations man.......from Australia.!

Hey Brad, good for you!! You're the trail blazer and we all appreciate your efforts! What did you do for your fuel tank? All electronics work as advertised?

Since nobody's asked yet...


But, since nobody else asked yet ...

Any estimate of the cost in dollars and hours?
Thanks for all the nice comments.

I have not flown anymore due to weather so I have nothing more to report. The weather looks perfect all day for the day after tommorow so I will be doing some test flying then.

I can respond to a few of the questions.

Final empty weight 727 as per New EAA Chapter 289 scales

Someone ask the cost. You can get those numbers on the order form. I did everthing myself including the painting ,but your looking at around 60 k.

As far as time to build I think Vans number of 800 hrs is more than plenty to get it done. I have not totaled up my numbers yet but I am sure I am under that by 100 or so.

If you are at the point that you are sick of installing nut plates like I was at one point just no that it will come to an end and you will fly your plane sooner than you think.

I started on this project exactly 1 year ago. I spent evenings and weekends(I have to go to work too) I had about 3 months when I did nothing waiting for the next kit to be released. So now that all the kits are released it should go faster if one stays at it. I spent many late nights and long days on the weekends.

Thanks agian to everybody for the nice comments.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD
I didnt my name is on the other side too. I learned a long time ago that if your gonna build a plane make sure you wifes name is on it.(advise from another builder) She spent a lot of time in the shop helping.She was very supportive of this project.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD