
Well Known Member
My last trip (I hope) in the C-177 before my RV is done. My first stop is Laughlin Intl (KIFP). Whenever I see Intl in the name I get a little concerned about landing there in a small plane.

Can anyone here tell me how busy this airport is? Are there any real issues landing here in a small plane?
Landmark Aviation

No problem from what I hear on the phone with Landmark. One day in a hotel then off to Kanab Ut for a few days

With IFP there is zero to worry about. They used to have a couple of commercial airliners scheduled each day. That was a few years ago, not sure now. It's a contract tower, big runway, really nothing to be concerned about. It's at 700' but I'd still think about density altitude since it will be hotter than h*ll there, maybe even depart 16 if the wind cooperates some due to poor climb performance. Airnav claims it averages 63 operations a day, which is not much.

BTW we were told IFP stands for International Fun Place...

At KNB are you renting a car? I use these guys for each visit (with zero affiliation):


They're great. They come out and pick you up anytime as long as you call ahead. They drive out to the plane, and, for drop off, you just leave the car at the airport. Be sure to ask them for the gate code for when you come back to the airport.
Amazing country

My RV allowed me to make a trip to SW Utah last weekend that I could not otherwise have made. I was invited to a solemn event honoring a great friend and amazing person from my past. This trip is a two day drive each way and I could not have made it without the airplane. It would have been a pity to miss it.


This is a pretty easy little 3.5 hour flight and I took the most direct route; no detours for scenery.



Glen Canyon in the foreground and Grand Canyon in the lower ground past the rim.​



Cedar Canyon, just east of Cedar City.​


On the way up to Cedar Breaks.


Cedar Breaks National Monument





This cabin on Navajo Lake was the spot of the get together and the spot where I spent many wonderful times in the late 70s. From here we hiked up to 10,000 feet overlooking the slot canyons of Zion.
Post trip

IFP was not a problem. Took almost as long to get a cab to the hotel as the flight from LA though. Next morning pushed the Cessna 177 up to 11k5 to go over the Grand Canyon. That was a full hour of wishing my RV7 was completed! Some light rain and an eye out for thunderstorms but overall a great 3.5hr trip.
Kanab airport and Xpressrentalcar were both great but at a warm 106 degrees we ended up only doing 'Subway' and camping two nights before renting a cabin at Zion Ponderosa and taking a few quad runners to see the 7000 acre property.
With the weather closing in we went via St George/Vegas back to Los Angeles a day early but we will be back to do the narrows later in the year!

By jadsystems at 2012-07-16
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