
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
You can download it from my site or from theirs (they asked if I could help with the bandwidth load).


RVator Online

Thanks Doug!
Guys at work are gonna love Smokey's photo with the burned butt of the F16.
They never shared that with us, even in our monthly magazine.
pet peeve re: file naming

It would save me some work (not much, I will admit)
if publications like this (and I get a number of them this way now, at the office) had file names like:


so it, 5 years down the road, sorts by date, when sorted by the file name.

Yes I know the file has a date code. If you have them around long enough, for one reason or another, a date code will be different than original.

All done whining. Hello wing ribs.
RVator on Line

:)Thanks very much. I was wondering how well this would work and it looks great. Now, I must find and purchase some book quality paper to make it perfect.

By the way, I am glad to finally see a positive eport on the RV-12 for which I am waiting patiently - no worries, I can wait for the best. Thanks again. Very :cool:

Personally, I'm intrigued by the brunette doing laps in the pool. ;) (Story of African RV7A)

Maybe someone who knows someone who knows someone can get us a photo....a true test for 6 degrees of seperation :D

So glad the missus doesn't read vansairforce...will undoubtedly get a clip around the ear is she did.