Nice video


Nice video, and I enjoyed the music. One question. You have something hanging from the canopy. In the video it seems like it is in front of your face, but I assume it is to the side. Can you share what it is and how it is mounted? Just curious. Thanks.
suction mounts

suction mounts. I have found them to be good if you reset them periodically. Nexus 7 suction cup mounted to left side. Garmin Aera 510 suction cup mounted slightly to the right side. If the copilot is flying I mount suction cup mount the Aera 510 in the middle angled to the copilot.

RV-9A flying is always quiet and peaceful....
a horse of course

my eleven yr old daughter, Amanda (now 13), is still practicing her sketching skills.
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gear check 2 - side view

well, I have a little shimmy on the nose gear but not too bad. I have anti-splat nose roller bearing. I don't believe I will ever be landing on grass. The nose gear is doing a lot of work... and I confirmed it does spin in flight but I can't feel it in the cockpit.
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