
Well Known Member
Today I have got the RV-3A home from Hamm (EDLH) to it´s homebase Muenster-Telgte (EDLT); a 7 mins cummute. Conditions were all right just before more snow will kick in: wind 5-10 kts from the left and -2°C / 28°F (yes, the white stuff in the video is snow indeed). Did 3 flights (with the ´must have´ low pass - at ca. 50 ft though).

A quick video taken with an iPhone by a friend as a little teaser - just a proof that it really flies:

Some pics of the plane:

The plane is F U N !!! Light on the controls (eventhough the -4 was a little lighter on the aileron) however still very stable. Climbs like the proverbial ´homesick angel´ and accelerates really swift to cruise speed. In the light cross wind conditions with me at 215 lbs and 15 gals of fuel at ca. 70 kts over the fence and 65 kts over the numbers (you lose a bit of speed in the flare in these conditions). All very predictable with great authority.

I have flown a RV (the -4) the last time in September last year however it was a no brainer to transition to the -3 (I have flown other planes in that time though). However I do lose forward visibility in the flare (need to get used to this) so I sometimes wobble a bit left/right immedeatly right after touch down and roll out is ´blind´. Too, I need to zig zag during taxi (in the -4 with old gear legs I could peer over the nose).

This is a great day - I am a happy camper and looking forward to weather improve.

Thanks to Van´s for the design and Smokey & Co. for getting it checked out, ferried and containerized.

Best, ´a happy´ Heinz
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Good looking RV3. It must have been a lot of time, trouble and worry getting
it to Germany. I bought mine in Utah, 1900 miles from home. I made two
round trips to buy and trailer home. It is always a gamble buying a completed homebuilt but mine turned out to be the best thing I could have

Jim Miller
you need to compromise


thanks for the kind words. The plane I have got is technically very sound and has just 55 hrs since new and flew 2010 the first time. However the Three not being constructed from a kit like the new Vans designs it has some cosmetic flaws - with which I can live with and which can be improved on over time.

Now it is time to sort some configuration stuff on the avionics and getting used to it (due to weather I just could make some 5 take offs only and I needed to get the internal voltage regulator in the alternator repaired). Should be flying in the next couple of days again.

The plane you have I have seen on the pictures you have e-mailed - a very nice Three and indeed you should feel happy about the effort you put in getting it to your place.

Getting all sorted in the US and getting a plane shipped is quite some work, you are right. And me being sometimes overly cautious and worrying does not make it less stressful for sure. However with the help of Smokey, Jesse, Ron and Brad Neel it all worked out great.

Best, Heinz
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Today I have got the RV-3A home from Hamm (EDLH) to it?s homebase Muenster-Telgte (EDLT); a 7 mins cummute. Conditions were all right just before more snow will kick in: wind 5-10 kts from the left and -2?C / 28?F (yes, the white stuff in the video is snow indeed). Did 3 flights (with the ?must have? low pass - at ca. 50 ft though).

Congrats Heinz! That is a BEAUTIFUL -3!! Love the slider.
slider - cool indeed


thanks for the kind words to you, too. I have followed some of your reports and I must say I was jaleous from day one when I started reading and looking at the pics and videos.

The -3 is great and I am happy that a new alternator with a functioning regulator is in since today; getting 14.4 volts steady (good for the Odyssey PC680). Still no flying weather really with snow and low clouds here.

My friend Hans asked me recently how I like the -3 over the -4: I have answered honestly that the -3 flies quite similiar however the coolness factor is higher - single seat, stands somehow sexier on its legs and - last but not least - the slider looks great.

Let's have some fun as soon as weather is back to normal ....
