
Well Known Member
I flew my plane for the first time this weekend! It's just as nimble and light as everyone says it is. Great visibility and PLENTY of power. It was a cold, breezy, overcast day with light snow falling just east of the field, but I was only in town for the weekend so I couldnt be too picky. Its tough living 3000 miles away from my plane! Now I just need to figure out how to get it across the country. :D



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Cool looking plane and I know how the 3 flies. Engine, prop and panel details?

It's great to hear that you finally got a chance to fly her yourself Rob - you put a lot of years into it, and then had to watch it from the wrong coast for over a year - that would be tough! (Heck, I am in California for the month, and Tsam is back in Houston....that's bad enough.)

Here's hoping you get a lot more hours soon - take a week of and enjoy a TRUE cross-country.

Outstanding Rob!

Good to see you had a chance to fly her.

The paint job looks great!

I've seen your plane in person couple times Rob. Beautiful machine you built. Congratulations on your first flight!

Rob congrats - even with all of the joking we give you. Good seeing you.

Congratulations, Rob.
Good to hear you were finally able to get teh keys from your father! ;)

Scott A. Jordan
Excellent news!

Here's hoping that you get lots more flying in it soon. I'm really glad to read that you've gotten to fly it.


Awesome paint job. It has been one of the cool ideas talked about fairly frequently. Glad you had the perseverance to actually do it! :D
Looked great from chase plane!

Hey Rob - how did the video come out - post some if it looks good!
I just got back to SF...what a fun weekend! Its 65 sunny and no wind, but I dont have a plane - this is torture! Ill edit some of the video and put it up on youtube asap. It was great seeing you guys at EAA1250.
Loving your -3. Those RV-3's really get me lusting for another airplane in the stable. Unfortunately, I haven't the funds or a good enough divorce attorney to make that happen - just kidding, my wife is great, just not an airplane lover.