Don Jones

Well Known Member
On Sunday January 13, 2013 at 2115Z, N151E fought against gravity and became airborne for the first time. The event occurred 4 ½ years after receiving the tail kit. It flew beautifully as expected. Temps were all normal in the crisp air and the engine ran strong and smooth. It is an all standard build RV9A sporting a Sam James Cowl, Catto 3 blade propeller, Rebuilt O-320, Full Classic Aero Interior, Dual 10” Skyviews and all Garmin stack. Thanks go out to my wife for putting up with me through the project, Russ Dent for all his help with the final assembly at the airport and VAF for lots of good information.
Here is the required RV Grin Picture (Russ Dent photo)
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Congratulations Don.....hey if your smile was any bigger...the top of your head would have fallen off!!:D


Now let's go flying!! Well, as soon as you catch up on some of those honey-do's. :D:D
Very nice on. I have been following your build for the year I have been here. I can't wait to see your 9A with big tires! Have fun!
Nice Job

Looks like a great job Don. Have fun and stay safe in Phase 1. Keep us posted on your testing.

I know the feeling well! Very excited for you, I LOVE my -9A!!

Phase I for the plane, Phase II for you!

Have fun and be careful!!
Thanks everyone, I am excited to put some hours on it.
Hopefully they will be trouble free hours and I can breeze
through Phase I.:D

Very nice looking 9A.... Good luck in phase one. Say hi to Russ for me.

Right on! I am only 5-7 years right behind you. I am doing a James cawl also, what did you use for fasteners.
Right on! I am only 5-7 years right behind you. I am doing a James cawl also, what did you use for fasteners.

I used the Skybolt fasteners. I did the complete kit, if I had to do it again I would probably use the hinges between the cowl halves and only use the Skybolts around the firewall. It is a pain to get the cowl halves seperated with the Skybolts, other than that they work great.