
Active Member
Passed the inspection on Friday and took the first flight Saturday! Thought my RV9 flew great. The 8 is Awesome. Slow build kit took 22-1/2 months.
Retirement is Great!

Joe, congratulation on the new fledgling.

Extra points for photos:D
I think they want to see a picture of your plane Joe

I just want to see it in a race. Glad you are happy with your new airplane. The RV-8 is unquestionably the fastest RV of the lot.

Bob Axsom
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Way to go Joe! Congratulations and I'm looking forward to seeing it at breakfast one Saturday (after Oshkosh).
Hey Joe,

Congratulations! George has been keeping me up to date with your progress. I am coming over to visit the first weekend of Aug, so I will be able to check out your bird in person. I look fwd to seeing you and your airplane.


Way to get 'er done, Joe. Your RV9 was sweet, but it sounds like you'll be loving this bird as much, if not more! Hope to cross paths again soon.
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Congrats, I wouldn't have chosen PINK but to each his own. :D