
Active Member
First flight of N80CU on 12-1-11
Thanks for all the help provided by VAF

Beautiful paint. Is there checkerboard anywhere else on the bottom other than the flaps?
Way to go Ron

You got the checkers in the right places!!

Can't wait to see it in person, It looks awesome. I feel a two ship photo op creeping up

That is one sweet looking ride! Judging by the prop and motor, it's Bad Arse too! Congrats!
Nice -8, congrats on your first flight.

I look forward to seeing it in person. Maybe we can hook up at GMU sometime.
Nice 8 like the checker board

I recognize the airport as Triple Tree. Did you make the first flight there? Fantastic grass strip, nicer than the 18th hole at Augusta GA.
Triple Tree Aerodrome turf can give you a false sense of security.
The turf even made my landings look good.TTA is in my 25nm radius and Pat Hartness is one fine gentleman for letting me land there.
RV8 Finish

Wow, stunning finish! how does one achieve a finish like that? i see no rivet lines, waves, nothing! :)
Congrats on your first flight!