dick seiders

Well Known Member
Flew my first flight today and a fine airplane it is. Took off essentially on it's own and climbed like it was programmed. Good flyer. A bit light compared to my old 6A, but that is not a bad thing. The stick force is very light as well , but so is the airplane so that is to be expected. Very responsive. Looking forward to flying it every day the weather permits. Thanks, Van , for another great airplane.
Dick Seiders
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Great Job!

Glad everything went A-OK on your maiden flight. :) Enjoy your new RV-12 ... be safe and have alot of great times with your new airplane. :) I imagine it feels great to have a plane instead of a project. :)
Wonderful news...

Very glad to hear you are flying...and it sounds like things are working just right with the plane. Congratulations!


Have been looking to see your post of the first flight of version II of N678DS. We are enjoying flying version I, now called N912LZ. Took her to Hot Springs for a 47 class reunion. Given the hot weather and full load, she would only climb 700FPM at 120 knots.
Let us know how version II flies.
Congrads Dick;

It's been a while and I know that you are so pleased. Now you'll have to fly down here to Destin and we can go to Hooters. Looking foward to the day I get the 7 flying.
RV Grin...

Posting for Dick!!
I'm gonna have to come to Covington...

....for your next EAA meeting. I've been wanting to fly a -12 for quite a while,

Dick - Congratulations and ....

... thanks for sharing your mis-step with the ignition coils. That sure was helpful to me. Now that you're flying the extra engine mounting probably is a distant memory! Enjoy the flight test phase...

Thanks for all the comments folks. I also appreciate many of you contributing useful info on this site in building the 12. It's a nice addition to Van's support.
Dick Seiders