DAR signed it off on 06/03/10 and I tidyed up a few details (dead battery),did the taxi test and the initial flight's today 06/08/10. Serial #12008(Airframe done by Carl Wright) Avionics,AP,engine,details by me.Fly's great!!!!:)N83LR
This thread is worthless without pics! :D

We need pictures and a full test pilot report! ;)

Congratulations on your first flight, Lonnie!

DAR signed it off on 06/03/10 and I tidyed up a few details (dead battery),did the taxi test and the initial flight's today 06/08/10. Serial #12008(Airframe done by Carl Wright) Avionics,AP,engine,details by me.Fly's great!!!!:)N83LR


Congratulations on your first flight! Thanks for telling us about it! If you would like a picture of you and your plane posted to RV-12 First Flights: Photo Album, just attach one or two photos to an email and send them to me at:

[email protected]



Congratulations Lonnie!

That's an experience only matched by first solo and first love.
Congratulations Lonnie. Can't wait to the day i don't have any more deburring to do! Just finishing up my tailcone and waiting on my fuselage and wing kits.
Great post Dave. My experiences so far, in other peoples -12's, is just like yours. Pleasantly surprised, very pleased, and a great incentive to to get it done. Some people badmouth the 912 but I find that's because they don't have any experience with it. Some say the -12 is noisy but that has not been my experience either. Others badmouth the control harmony and say it's not like other RV's but since I have no RV experience I wouldn't know. I only know that it flys great!