
I'm New Here
Oops....a double entry by mistake....

Friday, May 21, 2010, Dave Lawrence's RV-12, N3312L, Ser.no.120076, transitioned from a kit to an airplane with a successful inspection by Al Kimball of the Orlando FSDO. It then proceeded to prove its airworthiness with air under the tires about noon. First flight at Florida's Palmetto Manatee Airport was typical, much anticipated and much enjoyed.

This project is the third completed RV of my father, Lin Lawrence: an RV-6A, N33EL, in 1993; an RV-9A, N339DL, in 2004 and now this RV-12, N3312L airborne one month after his death in April at age 93. Special thanks to Jerry Huffman who became the primary builder, his able helper Jerry Beavon, and test pilot Bill Bruner. This plane will take up residence in Maine after painting.

Thanks Van for a great design and kit, and this great website for countless helpful tips.
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I'm glad to read about your successful first flight and sorry about your father's passing.
First Flight


Congratulations on the first flight. It's a shame your dad could not see it fly.

I guess we'll be neighbors. I'm over at Windsock Village Airport in West Ossipee, NH. Will be installing the engine and avionics next. I would like to see your -12 sometime.

As you probably know Maine will be hitting you with a use/sales tax. The're always trying to catch us guys from NH when we pay a visit over there. They photograph tail numbers at some airports when you land. After twenty hits on a plane that was recently registered they send a bill.

I'm curious what they assess the RV-12's value at since it is a new aircraft design.

Art Pennanen
[email protected]
Hip Hip Hooray

Great News! Enjoy your new plane :) ... be safe and have many, many years of flying adventures in your new RV-12. :) :) :)
I will be beginning my RV 12 build, here in Camden Maine at the end of June. Where in Maine will your plane find a new home ? Sure would be helpful, if an RV 12, were close at hand ... if for nothing more than inspiration !
. . . Friday, May 21, 2010, Dave Lawrence's RV-12, N3312L, Ser.no.120076, transitioned from a kit to an airplane . . . at Florida's Palmetto Manatee Airport . . .

Congratulations, Dave! Can you send a photo or two that I can post in the Photo Album?

(You can post the photo here, or just send it as an attachment to an email to me at: [email protected]


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