Brent Colvin

Well Known Member
I would like to thank Jay Pratt and Jim Vroom of RV Central for helping me complete my RV-7! Doug, Danny, thanks for flying chase. Jay flew her twice, then I flew her twice. Other than one wing a little heavy, and some radio problems, all was in the green. For all you out there sititng on the fence, not making much progress, do what I and 31 other's have done, take your project to Jay's, He will help you get in the air! VAF has been a huge help also. I have not posted much, but I read this site every day. Thanks to all that post and help others

Way to go Brent. I'm glad you chose this route to get you in the air years ahead of what it would have been. Enjoy!!!
Glad to help, Brent! Beautiful airplane.

I myself remember building for 5 years before taking it over to Jay?s to finish it. Drove over there twice a week for 5 ? months (working until 11:30pm)?but we got it in the air!

To this day, when I hear BBC news on the radio I think of those midnight drives back home from Hicks airport <grin>. It came on at midnight on 90.1.

Time/money well spent IMHO?.
Builders Space

Congratulations Brent! Glad to help.

I have an open builders space now. So someone can get on the fast track. Want to fly this year? Talk to me. 817 439 1220.
Congrats! Heavy Wing? or?

Other than one wing a little heavy, and some radio problems, all was in the green.

If it is the left wing, remember you are sitting on that side. If your RV is balanced, it will fell like a heavy left wing on the side by sides unless someone of similar wieght is copilot.
It is a personall decision on whether you want a heavy right wing to compensate for solo flight. Mine runs level with full tanks after ten gallons are ran out of the left, or equal tank levels with two people on board.

Congrats again.