
Well Known Member
Well, the math don't lie, it's been 18 years since we began this journey.

During all of it I've leaned heavily on this web site for ideas, procedures, traps, etc. A couple of names stand out; Doug Reeves for hosting, Sharpie, Kahuna (still owe him a root beer), Bruce Hill, Richard Leonardo for suggesting I look into the product, the list goes on and on.

Of course my wife who has been in there at every step in every aspect getting down and dirty. And my Lord who said I'll supply everything you need to make this happen (1 Timothy 6:17).

A little adjustment for a heavy right aileron and let the adventure begin.



watch that second one to the end for some bonus material.
Outstanding Steven!!!!

Congrats on the first flight sir!!!!! Many happy returns and a pleasing phase one!

Well done!!!!!


18 years. Wow. Now that's a man that does not give up! Congrats. Watching your video brings me back to my first flight. It's amazing how things change. Now you go to the hangar not to build but to fly. Joe
Steve, congratulations! Thanks for posting your total build time. I?m going into my 10th year and believing for my engine next. Have fun!
Awesome- Congratulations! Talk about about dedication

Forgive me as I've only slept about 8-9 hours in the last couple days but my first thought was that like a child from birth to 18 years old and now ready to leave the nest.

Again, congratulations.