Dayton Murdock

Well Known Member
Hi Guys
On December 28 2006 at 9:30 my friend Steve Brown took off in my RV4. I was on the ground next to the runway and my first impression was how quickly my RV accelerated the then climbed out. Steve's first radio call to me was to say that the airplane flew hands-off and there were no problems. Dave joined him in his RV6A they flew together for about 30 minuets doing the visual checks. After a 42 min flight Steve made a great landing.



Congratulations, and as I like to say: Welcome to the minority! :D

Get those hours flown off safely and we'll see you at a fly-in soon.

Bloody beaudy Dayton.

Really pleased for you.

Look forward to pics of you after your first 'solo'.

PS. Very Pretty RV.

PS. Dayton,
you have been anticpipating this so much you have forgotten to shave for a week.

Congratulation Dayton,

nice to see another 4 off the ground. Hopefully I can add to that number soon enough.
Congratulations Dayton,

That is one beautiful RV-4. Of course it flew hands off. I'd bet it is built with the same perfection as the throttle quadrant you made for me.

Have fun, and take your time getting acquainted with her. I'm looking forward to seeing you and your 4 at a future fly-in.
Congratulations Dayton!

I love watching a project's progress on the forum, and then to see it take wing...enjoy!

cool! It is so great to watch one go that we have all been following.

nice, er --- great looking airplane.

cheers! and congratulations

Way to go Dayton! I am looking forward to seeing you and that beautiful 4 at the fly ins.
It wasn't that long ago that Dayton and I were both struggling with our canopy side skirts. Somehow he got way out ahead of me and actually has a flying airplane and I haven't even got an engine on mine yet. Aarrgh!

Congrats Dayton!!
Only 1499 hours to go!

Hi Dayton,
Great job, glad to see another "Real RV" take flight, you only have 1499 hours to catch the Bandit...:)

God, I love to see another RV4 (you know, the REAL RV) take to the air!


Jeff Hall
RV4 Toucan N605RV
Dayton's first flight

Many, many congrats on your baby's first flight! The air-to-air shot is gorgeous, and one of these days I'm going to bum a large (1280x1024) copy of it for my image collection. Let us know some of the numbers when you get around to collecting them.

Jeff...I still think I can build one to fit me!! :D

Best of luck,
The best craftsmanship I've seen

Dayton & Jill,
The hours in in cold/hot hanger over the years and countless inventions that have come out of your patients and fortitude.You didn't mention that brilliant RV Smile to go with that brilliant color.But Joe (Col.)Bill,and myself, with friends noticed it right off the bat.Lets see some more of those great pics. The plane is awesome, nice job. Now help me with my ten. :) :cool:
well done

nicely done. now give her the same attention and respect you gave her in the shop and she will reward you accordingly... bravo zulu
Congratulations Dayton! Hopefully it won't be too long before I make it out your way again to see the -4 in the air in person.

Take care and enjoy!
That thing is a beauty... every time I see one, I wish I was building a -4. But I am one of those wussy builders that like pre-punched stuff, at least for the first build.

Hi Guys
I want you all to know that I am sincerely apprecrative of all the comments on my project that you have posted. :) I had no idea that so many of you were interested, and I hope to give you the same encouragement that you have given me. Thanks :)
First Flight

Great to see yet another 1st flight. What a thrill!! I'm still burning my first 40 off and the grin still exists. Way to go!!!