
Active Member
I thought it was about time I updated the status of my project. The inspection was Friday the 13th, all went well, received my airworthiness certificate. The inspection was done by an inspector from the local MIDO and 2 from the local FSDO.

I know it wasn't "Tuesday" but first flight was last Saturday . I'm still wearing the RV grin. Plane flew great, hands off true, very happy with it.

A big Thank You to Doug for hosting this site and to everyone who participates. It was a huge help during the build.

The plane is a 7A, tip-up, AeroSport Power IO-375, dual P-mags. Dual GRT HXr screens.

Now to give it a thorough check out during Phase One.
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Charlie--------big congrats on the new fledgling:D
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Charlie congratulations! Looks like a perfect day for inspection. Happy testing! Get out of "the Box" and come to Alton Bay in February. :D
Charlie, congrats!

Looking forward to,seeing you around!

Vlad doesn't mean Alton Bay... He means Mooselookmeguntic!

It is waaaay better!

;) CJ
Charlie, Congratulations - I hope to join you in flight this spring! Gotta feel good.

You did fine on the posting of pictures . . .
Thanks for the kind words. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you and participating in some RV adventures after phase 1. Yes, the plane surprised me at how quick it took flight. Aerosport IO-375 and a Whirlwind 74RV seem to be a great combination!