Michael Henning

Well Known Member
RV-4, SN#2750 (N654ML) took flight on Apr 12, 2015. It flew great and the engine/prop ran great as well. It was off in a flash and I climbed out at 115kts, at 2500 fpm. Oil temp was a little low, so I will restrict some air there, and oil pressure needs to be increased a little. Stalls were clean with a nice warning and recovered right away. After 30 minutes I made a perfect landing (super ez to land it) on video.

I have about 5 years of building spread out over 25 years..... ouch, but well worth it.I have cowl off and going through the engine checking everything again, as well as control linkages and hope to fly again today.

Great accomplishment and perseverance! Now we want some pictures, or it did not happen. :D

Minus strobes, N number (2" on VS) and data plate.
Post made my day

That is so nice Mike. Congratulations from a fellow long time builder.
You give me hope! :)