
Well Known Member
Received my Air worthiness yesterday morning and spent the rest of the day putting it back together and getting another weight. 1081#. 6 pm with the weather calm and the traffic low and no one around I snuck it out for about 6 laps around the pattern 1500' and 142 knots for engine break-in. Temps were great and plane needed no trimming. Only squawk was no sidetone on the radio or at least I could not hear it with the RPM's up. Man is that a pain to talk on the radio when you can not hear yourself. Did not have time for a glamour shot but hear is one after I put it back in the hanger.

Congratulations. Could you have set the speed record for a build? Glanced at your builders log and saw that you just started a couple of years ago and it was a slow build. Amazing work. Enjoy!
Another baby leaves the nest. WAY TO GO!

Did you post to Vans and watch the RV Hobbs meter increment up one?
Wow cool! I can't wait to post one like this, but, I think I will be more excited.....Woooot Wooooo, HAY EVERYONE! I just flew the plane I spent 1/4 of my life building!!!! Yaaaaaa!, ok, that's just me, but congrats!
Thanks guys. Last night was the best night sleep I have had in two months.
All the hard work and anticipation are now past. The day has come and gone. Now to the fun parts. Well building was a blast too.
Hers the glamour shot.


Nice work mark, sheesh you were just painting the cowl a few days ago! You really showed some hustle on that build. Been following along trying to keep up for the last year:rolleyes:
Congrads. She's a beauty. I've been following the build and impressed with your progress. Would love to see it when I'm in the area.

Don Broussard
RV 9 Rebuild in Progress
Congratulations, Mark! That's really cool! Beautiful plane you've got there, too. Can't wait to join you very soon.
you're going to like it!

35 hrs in phase 1 on my RV-9A and I am very pleased with this aircraft. glide ratio 10:1, good speed and economy, stabile flight characteristics, low oil temps.