
Just to let all know another RV6 Kit number 250-55 has successfully taken to the air for a short 15 minute flight (almost a 17 year build) :D
Aircraft performed flawlessly
My thanks to all those who don?t know they helped on this forum

My first attemp at posting pictures hope this works

http://i42.tinypic.com/205f4eh.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Image Post

Did it for you.
Simply click on the small postcard icon in the toolbar, paste your url in the box that pops up and voilĂ !

Bt the way, very nice plane. Congrats!

Cut off the underside of the external canopy latch handle

I can see part of the reason for the 17 year build - the firewall forward is impressive. I would like to know the top speed at 6000 ft d.alt. when you have that nailed down.

From what I can see the craftsmanship is outstanding.

One thing - in the photo the external canopy latch handle rear end is pointed forward as they will do from time to time. If one of those times you slide the canopy forward the unmodified handle will strike the fiberglass extension from the windscreen that overlaps the slider when closed. If you trim off the aft lower surface of the handle at an angle it will clear the fiberglass with no contact otherwise it will hit and cause minor but heartbreaking damage to the fiberglass.

Bob Axsom
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Thanks to all for the compliments. They are appreciated.
Bob: re the canopy handle both have already happened (don?t know when) but I now have the repair on the fibreglass on top of the windscreen and the modified latch. /Speed I am hoping to get 155knots on 50% power with 23litres/hour any better than that will be a bonus (If it?s worse then will have to look for some extra airframe cleanup) Craig Catto says I should get VNE @ 75% power so when I get it sorted will let you know. I must also one again thank you for the help you gave me a couple of years ago when I was trying to get my wings sorted and attached at the correct place. She flies hands off level and straight.

My first flight I climbed at full power and 75 Knots to circuit height (which I reached very quickly after about a 550foot ground roll),I reduced power to 1600rpm and turned down wind. I found I had reached 145knots and still increasing so I reduced power to idle. I continued down on the downwind leg at 145 knots trying to wash off the speed. I turned onto base leg still doing 100 Knots. It was not until I was well established on final that I managed to get some flap selected. All I can say is this is one slippery little sucker. (My first RV landing i think it handles much like a PA18 close to and on the ground)
Now I am waiting for our weather to clear we are in the middle of a rain depression (the remains of a tropical cyclone) we have just had two days of heavy rain with another two days to go then we should be in clear weather again so the real testing will start.
