
Well Known Member
Yesterday my plane took to the skys at Lebanon-Springfield airport here in bluegrass country. At the controls was Bobby Hester a fellow forum member as well as an RV-7A builder/pilot. Bobby flew two 1/2 hour sessions feeling out the performance and characteristics of the plane. Even though I've had transition training within the last year my flying skills still aren't to the level of being a qualified/capable test pilot. Bobby graciously accepted that task for me. Feedback from Bobby is such that I have a sweet flying plane.

Thank you Bobby. Glad I didn't have to make that call to your wife.

Also I would like to thank Terry Kohler who I flew with in his 9A recently to improve my flying skills after a decade layoff. Terry's wisdom and honesty made it easier for me to make the decision to have someone more experienced take on that test pilot task.

A few more hours of dual and then I can do my first flight in my 9A. Need to improve my crosswind skills seeing that's all we have here at Lebanon-Springfield.
Congratulations Mike!

Your first flight in the 9A you built will be exactly that - RV grin and all. Good decision making is one of the hardest things to teach and learn, but your approach to the entire project will ensure many years of safe, fun flying.

This forum is a wonderful resource for all things RV, both building and flying. Unfortunately, I've seen many instances where forum participants are encouraged to do first flights when they may not really be ready (or may not really want) to take on such a task. Fortunately, most are done without incident, but statistics don't favor the first few hours of flight for home-built aircraft and their pilots.

I applaud pilots that don't hesitate to abort a takeoff, landing, or instrument approach if things aren't "right". Count yourself one of the good ones.

Hope to see you again one day at KPTK or Airventure.

Terry, CFI

Hey Mike a big Congratulations to you! Ease into the transition is smart! Once you get up to speed you can do plenty of memorable flights!

I used the Lebanon-Springfield Airport as a fuel stop a couple months ago on my way to OKC. Nice field and great folks! I was a little surprised though when I called five miles from the field and got a response "Let us know when you are one mile from the runway and we will make sure all the RC aircraft are off the runway!":eek: I guess they have the only all jet RC venue in the country....it was cool!
Let us know when you are one mile from the runway and we will make sure all the RC aircraft are off the runway!" I guess they have the only all jet RC venue in the country....it was cool!


They host a week of RC jet flying each year in July.
Nice Plane

Mike did a good job building his plane. Glad I got to help him get air under the wings. Now go get some flying done in the trainer with an instructor. Get comfortable with your landings so you can start working through your Phase 1 test flights. Contact me if you need any help!
