
Well Known Member
Thank you everyone that gave me advice throughout the last year, and helped me get C-GRVW of the ground. I flew it today for the first, second and third time, with each landing getting progressively worse, what I mean is if I could conseculatively duplicate my first landing, i would be landing like a pro. I could hear each tire squeek when they touched the ground the first time. Getting out of the aircraft me knees were shaking as I had lots of Adrenaline through me, it actually was I think a better rush than my first solo 12 years ago. RV's are truly a dosile taildragger that brings flying to the next level. I logged 1.7 hours of flight in it today and it was the most fun I have ever had in 1.7 hours! It fly's entirely hands off up to this point, and I never really tried any manuevers just straight and level flight, mostly anyways, feeling the airplane, controls and instruments. Lots of fun. The only glitch I could come up with so far is that I don't think the engine should pop back as much as it does when on really low power coming in on short final. Too much cylinder cooling maybe throttled back? Thank you VAF and Vans Aircraft for letting me realize this dream of building my own aircraft..

It's a great feeling! Way to go!

Just so you know, my plane backfires a lot once I pull the power on base leg. . The plane I trained in did the same thing. I am used to it now.
First Flight

Congratulations! Ain't it Great! These RV's are fun flying machines!
Charlie, Tucson AZ
RV-7, 1st flight 22 Feb 09:

Now go get your Instrument training after the first 40 and believe me the knee shaking will come right back..Often!..:)

Well done indeed

Congrats Jarvis

Way to go. I'm a fellow builder here in Stony Plain building the RV-9. a few years before I see some air under the tires. Keep in touch. II'd love to see your 7
Youtube Video

Here is a video for you all. I think the STOL performance is pretty darn awesome. I can hardly believe that any aircraft could be airborne before reaching the taxiway.

Sorry I couldn't get the first flight video on here. It didn't turn out.

I can certainly attest to having a riot in this airplane though. Logged another hour and a half in it today. I have no question in my mind what I will be doing this weekend!!!!!!, and no it isn't going to be painting it. That is going to wait till next winter.

Thank you for all the congrats fellas. Also dnimigon please check your PM. I will be flying up to Edmonton a couple of times in the near future with the wifes 172. Stony Plain isn't that far from there, I could be tempted to slide over for a visit.

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Congratulation's on your first flight, I'm just down the road in Medicine Hat building a 9A working on the fuselage. Hope to see you at one of our breakfasts, shouldn't take long to get here in your 7.

Lyle Clarkson
Medicine hat
First Flight

Congratulations on the first, and second flight.... from Saskatoon, once you get the 25hrs flown off come on up to Richter Field, Martensville for b'fast (every Sunday morning starting in May) and mark your calander.. July 11th, DeGirolamo field "Burgers Beans 'n' Fly'n Machines Don Francis can lead the flight he's been here numerous times.....drag Sean Switzer along too, we should be able to get a good number of RV's on the field....Have fun with the -7 (I see that you don't have much snow left on the ground)....
Congrats! Nice to see another canadian one in the air. You must be very proud. The performance numbers must be really good with the cold dense air out here.



Moose Jaw Sk
Thanks guys. It is really nice to see more projects out there than what I was aware of. Aviation is alive in Canada as well! The way I am flying the 7, I should have the 25 hours flown off inside a month, and will be looking for places to hop to this summer. I do have July 11th wrote down on the calendar for your flyin Marc. Do you have GPS cordinates for these fields? Anyways good luck with all the projects!! I will make sure Shaune and Don know the date of it.
Phone #

Hi Jarvis
For some reason I deleted your phone # you sent me. Could you drop another line again.