
Well Known Member
For my first flight, I had several folks on the ground with various video cameras as well as two GoPro Hero units in the cockpit. One was attached to the side of my helmet, and another was secured to the canopy. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

As I said in the video, if I had known it'd be this fun to fly I wouldn't have taken so long to build it :D
Nice Work

Nice work on the airplane and the video. I attempted the use of the GoPro on my first flight the other day but fail to turn it on. Just tried again yesterday with success but now I need to learn how to edit and post video.


Excellent job! Really enjoyed the video! Have fun flying the time off so you can share your grin with the family!
Thanks everyone! It was a good day. I was very happy to have no major issues to deal with - the Dynon compass was off slightly and the prop governor allowed a slight overspeed on the prop but otherwise it flew great!

Now if only the weather would cooperate - hard to fly when vis is 1 mile and ceilings at 500 overcast :-(