Congratulations Georges !

Yes, it's the first in France and the only one for fews weeks or months ;^)

Congratulations Georges,
The fisrt -14 to fly in France, and I believe amongst the first in Europe too.
Now it's just pleasure of flying in a fabtastic machine.
Happy landings.
1st flight

I made my first flight today.Pleasant aircraft and easy to land.
Perhaps the first RV 14 in France.

So tell me how it went with some detail. Did you feel any pull left or right? Any heavy wing? And trim challenges? Did you have any cross control needs or attitude issues? How long did you fly? What was on your mind about what might happen?

I'm asking, because I'm getting close to first flight. I plan to get a few days of training in a similar RV-7A. And I'm wondering, what will I do if after lift off the plane wants to hard turn right, or pitch up. Will I have to fly with very un trimmed stick? Might be a challenge.
Sglynn don't worry about take off ,There is no tendency for hard turn.The only thing that is surprising is how fast you will be in air so increase the power slowly to have more time.
My first concern for the first flight was to check the temperatures as my engine is equipped with 2 Pmags so the flight was short (1/2 hour).
Today I made an another flight with more time to look at the ball.
The ball is centered in cruise flight and there is no noticeable heavy wing.
i made a stall and there is nothing special to say.
At hight speeds trim response is too fast so I have to set a slower speed motor in the Dynon for the next flight.
Bravo Georges!!!!
Toutes mes felicitations!!!

Quand viendrez-vous a Oshkosh nous montrer votre (chef d') oeuvre?
Si nous passons en France nous essaierons de faire un saut.

Si vous passez au Texas, venez nous donner un coup de main!

Encore bravo!!
ImlarJe viens ? Oshkosh cette ann?e mais en avion de ligne.
Mais ?tant jeune j' avais fait un aller retour aux usa en Piper Senecca.
Il y a une dizaine d'ann?es nous avions lou? avec mon beau fr?re ?galement pilote un 172 au d?part de San Di?go et avions fait un circuit dans les Rocheuses et l'ann?e suivante un tour complet des USA en 53 heures de vol.
Cela devrait ?tre beaucoup plus rapide avec un VAN'S.
Nous serons aussi a Oshkosh cette annee, du 24 au 27.
Mon portable est le 682 558 5257. Ce serait cool de se rencontrer et de papauter autour des RV14 vers la tente de Van's par example.
Texte-moi ou email-moi quand tu pourras!
[email protected]

A+ et bon voyage
Laurence et Larry