Ron B.

Well Known Member
C-GLEP flew flawlessly today with 1.75 hrs. on the hobbs. Pictures to follow soon. Need to go out and get another hr. on it today.

Congratulations on a successful launch. Beautiful plane - more motivation to get mine done.
Thanks Guys, I cannot get over how well it flies right out of the box. I bitched at Van's plenty but they sure know how to make a plane that flies great. other pilots were complaining that it was quite turbulent today in the afternoon heat but this thing just flies right thru it . I would not have enjoyed being out flying my SuperCub this afternoon (morning first flight would have been fine), but never minded the turbulence at all in the RV-14.
Any of the flying RV-14/RV-14A's land in Canada yet or am I the first RV-14 taking off and landing in Canada? Just curious.

Looks Great!
Good to see all that deburring eventually pays off:)
Thanks for the motivation!
Don't worry Ron. RV-18A is coming soon. It's a lot of work building but you will be able to transport all your wharf employees :D

By the time the RV-18A arrives I will not have any wharf employees to transport. Counting down already.
Thanks again guys. I will not be making it to Stanley this year, "missed it by that much", but will probably make next. 7.4 hrs. so far and all is well.
Al , keep pounding rivets and we will be able to venture off together.

Ok Ron. Maybe will see you in Stanley next year in May for the breakfast Fly-in. Looking forward to seeing the 14 in person. Do you plan on keeping this one?
Ok Ron. Maybe will see you in Stanley next year in May for the breakfast Fly-in. Looking forward to seeing the 14 in person. Do you plan on keeping this one?

I planned on keeping the RV-10 but had partners that had other plans. No partners in this one, so yes.