
Will use an experienced test pilot for the first flight of my 9A.
While I have Liability insurance it does not cover the pilot in command(the test pilot) .
What methods have others used to protect the owner of the aircraft (who is not the test pilot) for claims,by the test pilot, in the event of an incident?
thanks n815vp

I called my carrier and told them of my plan. It turned out that he was insured by the same company (NationAir [AIG]) and they were familiar with him and his test pilot credentials. There was no extra charge.
The other way that comes to mind is to pay for his carrier to cover him for the initial flight on his insurance. This is assuming that his carrier is different than yours.
Additionally insured

I had Robbie Attaway do my first flights. We had the same insurance company, Falcon. I discussed this with the agent. With no additional charges they simply added Robbie to my Policy. Problem solved.

I'm sure your company can add on your "test" pilot if he meets the requirements. They seem to be cooperative. After all, they don't want the plane rolled up any more than we do.

Thanks for the info.
My agent says that my liability policy does not cover me as the airplane owner against a claim that the test pilot might make in the event of an incident. It does cover the test pilot against claims that others might make against him while he's PIC.
This makes me, as the owner , at financial risk if something where to happen to the test pilot.
thanks n825vp
Thanks for the info.
My agent says that my liability policy does not cover me as the airplane owner against a claim that the test pilot might make in the event of an incident. It does cover the test pilot against claims that others might make against him while he's PIC.
This makes me, as the owner , at financial risk if something where to happen to the test pilot.
thanks n825vp

That's totally wrong... Who's your policy with?

The liability coverage part of the policy covers you - the airplane owner and Named Insured (your name's at the top of page 1 of the policy) - for liability claims against you arising out of your negligent operation or ownership of the aircraft. This would include claims from a pilot (someone other than you) who is injured in or by your airplane because of YOUR negligence (ie you did or failed to do something that caused his injury).

Your policy may or may not offer that same protection to the pilot. In other words, will your policy defend and pay on behalf of someone other than you if that person causes injury or property damage because of HIS negligence. If the the pilot is hired by you to fly the airplane - probably not. If he is a friend of yours that you have allowed to operate your airplane - probably so.

3rd thing - Whether a person is an "approved pilot" or not is irrelevant to the discussion as to whether the policy affords a defense and/or liability protection to that person. A person is afforded protection (covered) because they are either automatically or purposefully added as an "insured" - protected party. Pilots can be approved in the pilot section and may not be afforded any protection under the policy - a hired pilot would be an example.
Global Aerospace will write coverage during test flight and fly-off in the initial test phase. They will also approve (prefer, actually) experienced RV pilots to do the testing.

Other companies may not. I don't think AIG will, USSIC will not. Don't know about AVEMCO, but thier terms are a little stinky anyway.
Recommend Global Aerospace EAA Plan thru Falcon

I did my own test flights, but have another equally experienced friend that helped me fly off part of the test phase - helps to have another person confirm your numbers and impressions, etc.

All I had to do was list him as "named pilot" and because of his experience in type, etc. it didn't cost me any extra.

While he didn't do the first flight, it was still in its test phase and the risk is essentially the same - and Global didn't have any issues with it and no extra charges for the second pilot. We were fully covered for liability and hull (not in motion and in-motion)