
Well Known Member
I've attempted a good bit of searching and reading on here. All I can gather from on here is its a great idea to get a test pilot for my first flight. It seems like it is not easy to actually find a Test Pilot with experience in RV-8's that one can hire.

Would I be wrong to ask on here if anyone might know how to find a Vansaircraft and specifically the RV-8 type of test pilot with military aircraft test pilot training?
Not sure that military test pilot training is as relevant as light plane experience. You're not interested in a handling qualities assessment as much as you want someone who can get the plane off the ground, read the gauges and be alert for things out of whack, land the plane safely no matter what, and tell you what needs attention.
Depending on your location (and budget) I'd suggest Dave Carrick (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) Terry Lutz (Mason, MI) Bruce Bohannon (Houston, TX) Elliott Seguin (Wasabi Flight Test, Mojave, CA) or Vic Syracuse (Base Leg Aviation, Peachtree City, GA).
At least one on that list I would stay well clear of........;)

Ha ha ha - I think one of those listed is even a black ace..

I’m all seriousness, there is really no need for a former military test pilot. You certainly want someone current, proficient, and with lots and lots of civil (or military) test experience doing what you need them to do: the first flight of a Vans airplane. I’ll vouch for Sean VanHatten in the Pacific Northwest region; a truly humble professional aviator in every sense of the word with lots of experimental aviation experience under his belt. DM me if you would like his contact information.
I've attempted a good bit of searching and reading on here. All I can gather from on here is its a great idea to get a test pilot for my first flight. It seems like it is not easy to actually find a Test Pilot with experience in RV-8's that one can hire.

Would I be wrong to ask on here if anyone might know how to find a Vansaircraft and specifically the RV-8 type of test pilot with military aircraft test pilot training?

Synergy Air South could probably recommend someone. They’re located just South of ATL at KCCO.
Not sure why folks are saying that military test pilot is not required. If that is what the original poster is looking for, then those are his/her requirements.

If I were closer, I would give you a hand. But I am on the other side of the country.
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I can highly recommend either of these two gentlemen-

Vern Darley. Former military pilot (not a TPS grad) and airline pilot. I know he does many of the first flights for Synergy Air South builders. He did RV-10 and 14 Additional Pilot checkout for me and my son. Super nice guy and excellent pilot. He is in Peachtree City. [email protected]

Kent Gorton - former air show pilot and current airline pilot. Kent used to do tailwheel transition training in his RV-6. Kent has flown a wide variety of aicraft and is one of those pilots who can fly almost anything. He flew with me on the first flight of our RV7. He lives in our neighborhood in Locust Grove at Mallards Landing Airport. Best to text him at (314) 368-6zero zero 7.
Is this even required? I always assumed that I’d be making the first flight. My wife often jokes about me hiring a test pilot and I tell her no way that’s my job.

Honestly I find it odd that Vic only charges 250. Risking my life in someone else’s experimental would be at much higher cost than 250. JMHO
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Is this even required? I always assumed that I’d be making the first flight. My wife often jokes about me hiring a test pilot and I tell her no way that’s my job.

Honestly I find it odd that Vic only charges 250. Risking my life in someone else’s experimental would be at much higher cost than 250. JMHO

No - its not required by the FAA at all. However, I have done more Flight Advisor consultations than I can remember, and you’d be surprised at how many experienced professional pilots decide that they’d rather have someone with lots of current hours in type do their first flight. Every pilot is unique, and we explore all the options to deicide what the best one is for their situation.

I always start a Flight Advisor relationship by explaining that it is my goal to help the builder achieve THEIR goals - if that is to do their own first flight, we look at what they might need in addition to what they already have, and make that happen if they have the resources. And sometimes, they decide its not realistic to get current enough to do so, and they find someone else.

Like I said - everyone’s situation is unique - but it is always worth exploring.
I can highly recommend either of these two gentlemen-

Vern Darley. Former military pilot (not a TPS grad) and airline pilot. I know he does many of the first flights for Synergy Air South builders. He did RV-10 and 14 Additional Pilot checkout for me and my son. Super nice guy and excellent pilot. He is in Peachtree City. [email protected]

Kent Gorton - former air show pilot and current airline pilot. Kent used to do tailwheel transition training in his RV-6. Kent has flown a wide variety of aicraft and is one of those pilots who can fly almost anything. He flew with me on the first flight of our RV7. He lives in our neighborhood in Locust Grove at Mallards Landing Airport. Best to text him at (314) 368-6zero zero 7.

Kent is a good guy. He would do a good job for you.
I plan to hire one.

I'm leaning that way too.

No - its not required by the FAA at all. However, I have done more Flight Advisor consultations than I can remember, and you’d be surprised at how many experienced professional pilots decide that they’d rather have someone with lots of current hours in type do their first flight. Every pilot is unique, and we explore all the options to deicide what the best one is for their situation.

I always start a Flight Advisor relationship by explaining that it is my goal to help the builder achieve THEIR goals - if that is to do their own first flight, we look at what they might need in addition to what they already have, and make that happen if they have the resources. And sometimes, they decide its not realistic to get current enough to do so, and they find someone else.

Like I said - everyone’s situation is unique - but it is always worth exploring.

For me, flying less than 50hrs/year seems like a trigger point to explore hiring a first flight pilot. I'm well under 50hrs so I'm on the hunt for a first flight pilot :D
Not sure why folks are saying that military test pilot is not required. If that is what the original poster is looking for, then those are his/her requirements.

Hopefully no one senses any distain for military test pilots here - as an active duty military guy myself that would be pretty silly! Just wanted to open the aperture and offer another option to the OP.

I am thankful to know a large number of active and retired Army, Navy, and Marine Corps test pilots, the vast majority of which happen to own experimental airplanes. It is humbling when folks like that readily admit that they know what they don’t know when it comes to their new builds. While all of them flight tested their airplanes when the time came, all worked closely with a variety of civilian pilots who had more overall time, recent experience, and proficiency in their specific model of RV. Their stories have always stuck with me and opened my aperture on the topic!

I guess what I’m trying to say is that plenty of aviators look up to us military types, and while that is a wonderful compliment some of the best test pilots and flight test engineers I have flown with were straight-civilian guys (and gals). I firmly believe that background matters, but no one background guarantees skill and proficiency when it comes to flight testing your specific airplane.
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"test pilot" doesn't mean a whole lot when we don't know what they have experience testing. I'm not really interested in having an Airbus test pilot fly an RV first flight. They probably wouldn't want to either as they have no relatable experience. Airbus test pilot who owns an RV, then that's entirely different. Note the relevant experience in owning an RV.

Military test pilot who has only flown C-17 and KC-46, no thanks. Same guy, but owns an RV, yes please.
"test pilot" doesn't mean a whole lot when we don't know what they have experience testing. I'm not really interested in having an Airbus test pilot fly an RV first flight. They probably wouldn't want to either as they have no relatable experience. Airbus test pilot who owns an RV, then that's entirely different. Note the relevant experience in owning an RV.

Military test pilot who has only flown C-17 and KC-46, no thanks. Same guy, but owns an RV, yes please.

Just as a point of order... no TPS Grad has "only flown C-17 or KC-46". That person does not exist. But.. your point is taken.
Just as a point of order... no TPS Grad has "only flown C-17 or KC-46". That person does not exist. But.. your point is taken.

I knew a 141 pilot who went to TPS so I don’t know about that (1994). I’m sure he flew many more planes once he was there though.
Thank you! Thanks for sharing some contacts!

I just wanted to say thank you to Carol, Martin, Krea and others that shared some contacts. I'll give several if not maybe all of the ones here in the Atlanta area a call. The northwest located gent might be too far, but if I strike out I will message and ask further. I went out to Texas for some RV-8 training and that was incredibly worth it.
Again, thank you all for helping here. Much appreciated.