
Well Known Member
First flight(s) this week of my EAB RV-12 N218DG. What a sweet handling airplane! I installed a Viking 110 up front, with 20 gals of fuel in the wings (no fuse tank), and everything's working out as engineered (by me) :) I don't have performance numbers yet, just basic aerodynamics and handling - only enough real world data to conclude: I LIKE IT!


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Congrats Dick, great achievement and great plane mods! Hope we will hear more on performance after the 40 hours test phase.
Good job Dick! Congratulations !
You are helping so many others when you branch out with experimentation.

I look forward to reading about the test results. Be careful and many successful flights ahead.
Dick is my closest RV12 neighbor, we both are using Vikings and wing tanks etc. Seeing his flying is a great boost for me, since I started first! I share his pride in his first flights! Go Dick! (see that big RV grin?)

Curious about what that black plug is for on the right side of the fuselage (below fuel cap)?

Congrats on successful build. Will drop over to see the completed project, if you are not busy flying off your hours.


And the best part?.... No need for "slipping the surly bondo"!!!!!!!
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Missing fuel cap

On the cover plate where the fuel filler cap was, there's a sticker that says "saving the planet!"

....and Hi Jeremy!