
Well Known Member
Two days ago a test pilot took my humble assortment of aluminum parts and rivets into the air for the first time on a very successful flight. It was great the first flight went smoothly, and I'm very glad I had an experienced hand do it. However, nothing compares to taking the plane up myself for the first time this morning. She takes off like a rocket and is incredibly fun to fly!




More (long-winded) details and pictures on my site for those interested.

Thanks to the RV community for all the help over the last 3.5 years and 2200 hours of construction.

Congrats and see your already changed you status to flying! Now you only have two and half weeks to fly your time off and make it to Sun-N-Fun! Hopefully I can change my status to flying in the next two to three months.

Hi Dave,

Great job. I've been waiting to hear your announcement. Have fun and fly safe.
Excellent job Dave. Been following your site and you have a great ship there. Have fun, fly safe and all that. Hope you make it out to the east coast someday.
Now that is an RV grin! :) Congratulations on your first flight. These reports give the rest of us still pounding rivets the hope that we will one day be done. Fly safe and enjoy the plane!
Go Dave!!!!! Couldn't be more pleased to start the day by reading this.

Best always,

Congratulations! I've been following your progress on your web page. It's just great to see your plane fly so well after all your hard work.

Regards, Bill

You have just joined a very elite group of people who've built and flown their own airplane!!

Just wait 'til you get the leg fairings and pants on....whoosh 16-18 extra MPH and another 200 FPM or more!

Great.. ;)

Great look'n bird and fantastic site. I've followed your progress for a long time and I, like a lot of builders, are smiling right along with you. Job well done!

With that photo, you should become the new poster dude for th RV grin.

I am very happy for you, and you are encouraging others in the best way, success!

God Bless and many happy safe hours in the sky for you and your co-pilots. :)

I looked at your site and noticed one thing you mentioned in your first flight report.
Pulling the power back to 17 inches.

I thought I would mention that if this is a new or newly overhauled engine...this is not a very good thing to do during this critical break in period.
Thanks all.

True. In order to break in the engine, high power settings are required. However, my understanding is that lower power settings won't hurt the engine, just prolong the break-in period. High temps are the thing to avoid. (More on the topic from Mahlon at Mattituck.)

On my first flight (second flight on the plane), I wanted to stay safe and over the airport. Renton's class D airspace has to be one of the smallest around. It's only a half circle since Boeing Field is right next door. Very difficult to stay within glide distance at full power in these speed demons.

Anyway, I'll be at higher power settings on the next flight!
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Davepar said:
Thanks all.

True. In order to break in the engine, high power settings are required. However, my understanding is that lower power settings won't hurt the engine, just prolong the break-in period. High temps are the thing to avoid. (More on the topic from Mahlon at Mattituck.)

On my first flight (second flight on the plane), I wanted to stay safe and over the airport. Renton's class D airspace has to be one of the smallest around. It's only a half circle since Boeing Field is right next door. Very difficult to stay within glide distance at full power in these speed demons.

Anyway, I'll be at higher power settings on the next flight!

I wasn't meaning to imply that you should be using full power for break in... just higher than what you were using. With 17 in. and 2300 RPM and full rich mixture, you were probably between 60 and 65 % power.

Lycomings Service Instruction 1427B recommends 75 % power for the first hour of operation and then alternating between 65 and 75 % for the second hour (as long as temp limits can be maintained) After that maintain normal cruise power levels and avoid prolong decents at low power settings until break in is completed.