
I completed my first Flight today. I asked Gary to be the test pilot. He took it for a high speed taxi. Then he came back on completed 3 full stop landings. After that, he flew it out over the ocean and did some flight testing.
After he returned, I hopped in and took it out for a spin. Everything went great. I'm looking forward to getting through my phase one flight testing so that I can take it on my first long distance cruise.
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Great Job!

Very happy you have air under your tires! Be safe and have a grand old time with your new RV-12! :D
Looks good


Big milestone achieved and welcome to the family of flying RV12?s

Don?t forget to send pictures to [email protected] so Don can post them under photos of first flights
Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to hours of fun flight.

RV10Man...Thanks for pointing out my sig. I have it fixed now

Erik.37m...I need to update my web. I have been renting out of CIA in Camarillo but could not get a hanger there. They have a 5 year waiting list. I'm still at 139 on the list. I have my plane hangered at Oxnard. Nice for flying out over the ocean but I have to deal with the foggy weather