Excellent job. I like the paint. Is this the IO-340 I've been hearing Vlad talk about?
Uh Oh

I bet someone is selling our RV technology to the Russians! I wonder who that could be? :rolleyes:
looks good!

why is it that almost every picture I see from Russia has engine preheat?:) my paint colors will be about the same. well wishes and safe flying to you.
Good job!

Very nice. I'm fairly sure you require an extra measure of dedication to build an RV there and yours appears to be an excellent example.

Bob Axsom

Looks a bit colder there than when I took my RV for its maiden flight almost a year ago! Now the real fun begins, flying! Congratulations! :)
Is this the IO-340 I've been hearing Vlad talk about?

Yes, my 9 has been equipped with Titan IOX340. After all adjustments were done, it runs perfect.

I bet someone is selling our RV technology to the Russians! I wonder who that could be? :rolleyes:

I agree with you, the RV technology is a kind of national property of the USA. So, be assured that I've been assembling my RV strikcly according to the mentioned technology with all my creative approach:rolleyes:
Alex, nice job! When you get time, could you write about the "challenge" of building it in your homeland? Licensing, acquiring parts, etc.?
Congratulations Alex!

Your landing lights and nav lights look great in the photos - what type are they?
