
Well Known Member
I did the first flight of my RV-9A today. It was amazing. Everything worked, there were no surprises, and the aircraft flies beautifully as many already know. Many thanks to Tanya for driving all of those rivets (slow build), and Stu for flying chase. I can't say enough about this great experience (more on my build log), but just a couple pictures can tell most of the story.

Just look up. I'm sure it will pass over you at some point. I have a 300nm radius fly off area, and intend to cover every inch of it :).

300 miles... that's smoking hot! I understand Dick could not find a single squalk! That's Awesome!
AWESOME! Great to see a 9A flying...very motivational. We spent most of today pounding rivets, so someday we'll be flying too!

Congrats, Scott and Tanya.

As the Tech Counselor and Flight Advisor for the Card's, I am very proud of their accomplishment. Their workmanship and dedication was awesome...

Congratulations Scott! I would have loved to have seen it. Good luck on your flight tests. Give me a call if you need some "balast" when testing near max gross. :D
Congratulations Scott and Tanya!! No more renting those slow/expensive production aircraft. Best Wishes for perpetual tailwinds !


Dave and Janie

Congratulations, Scott and Tonya. It is great motivation to get mine finished.
Congrats to you both. Wow, 300 nm fly-off radius! I gotta get one of those.

Congratulations !!!!

That's GREAT news, Scott. Makes me want to head for home right now and bang some more aluminum. ;)

Give us some periodic updates on your flight testing, will ya?

RV-9A QB fuse
Congrats Scott & Tanya. I have been watching your web page for a year and there IS light at the end of the tunnel.
Buzz the house. Be safe.