
Well Known Member
After nine and a half years of building my Vans RV-9A, it flew for the first time this past Sunday, August 26, 2012. It was a perfect evening for the flight and all went well. The most surreal feeling I have ever had. Thanks James Clark for the training and managing the process. Thanks Ken Harrill for all the advice and the Technical Advisor visits. Thanks Tom Roberts for all support in recent years. Thanks to everyone that helped and encouraged me over the years - 9.5 years! I began the building process when I started cleaning out my old single car garage on January 4, 2003, to convert it to a workshop. My preview plans arrived on February 13, 2003 and my empennage kit on March 5, 2003. Thanks to my lovely wife for all her patients and support. Can't wait to take her up when the 40 hours of phase one are completed. My four pillars of support have been: my wife and the girls, EAA Chapter 242, our local RV builders, and the VansAirforce.net community. Thanks to you all!
Congrats Mike - I started following your build when I was stationed at Ft Jackson 2004-2006. Very happy to see this day finally arrive for you!
Awesome! It is quite the feeling to be at the controls of an airplane you built yourself. Hope all your flights go well.
Mike congratulations! You really pushed it forward hard during those couple recent years. Your building log was great help for my build. Thank you and happy Phase One!
Re: first flight

Having recently done what you did I can relate to all the emotions you are experiencing. What a great feeling. You should feel like shouting it from a mountaintop. Hey "I built a plane and it flies great" Enjoy the ride. Enjoy phase 1. Learn your plane and congrats. Tim

Mike, a flying 9-A in 9 1/2 years-------guess that makes the "A" equal to 6 month?????:rolleyes:

Congratulations on the new fledgling:D
Congratulations, Mike

Very exciting and I hope you enjoy it. You do know that I expect you to remove your cowling and other parts as I still need to look at " how it is done". Also know that I will be rating your landings as you pass by!:eek:
Congrats Mike! Like others, your build log helped me during my early build. You would have beat me into the air had you not spent so much time documenting your progress for the benefit of others!
Fly safe!

I've been following your build for years and it was one of the many sites that I devoured on the way to finally deciding to build my own.

Congratulations on a successful first flight! Beer is on me if you ever make it out to the San Diego area.
You're part of a small group!

Congratulations on the successful completion. Now you know what we've all meant when you hear, "Keep pounding, it's worth it."

And that small group?

N194CR (Me)
N194GP (My good friends George & Pam)
There are others lurking....

Hope you can make Triple Tree. Probably just out of your test radius but it's a great time if you can tear yourself away for a day.
Congrats Mike. Now notify Vans so that their Hobbs meter can tick forward another notch for the 9 camp.
Great Job

Can't imagine your excitment. I have 3 friends that are builders, 2 of them flying and one getting close. They say I have no idea the emotions & Pride of flying what you created. I smiled for a month after my first flight and I ..... "Didn't Build That". :eek: Now, pics of the panel. God's Speed & Blue Skies.