
Well Known Member
It finally happened! After two years of building, and another six months of painting, my RV-14 finally flew this week!

Four years ago, my wife was wandering around the Vans display at Oshkosh and snuck over to the -14 demo plane. When she found me a few moments later, she told me "You have permission to build the RV-14." I was perfectly happy with my RV-7 up until this very moment! I found a -14 empennage kit for sale on the Ohskosh bulletin board and began my build.

I built the RV-14 with a few modifications to the basic kit. I swapped the standard shopping cart tailwheel for the Doug Bell fork and the pneumatic tailwheel. The lighting is all FlyLEDs. And the IO-390 / Hartzell blended airfoil 74" prop have dual Pmags in place of the standard Slick mags.

- pic of RV-14 parked in front of hangar

With the pandemic lockdown, I wasn't sure if I could get a DAR to do the inspection, so I contacted the local FAA office. Due to my own incompetence, I got in touch with the MIDO instead of the FSDO. The MIDO does all of the Boeing 737 inspections here in the Pacific NW, but they've been shut down due to the 737 MAX issue, so they were looking for some work and volunteered to do my inspection. Pretty cool to have a couple of 737 inspectors signing off my plane!

First flight occurred on Apr 17. The purpose of the first flight was Engine Break In. After rolling onto the runway, I slowly applied power and began the takeoff roll. At 50% power and about 400' down the runway, the tail lifted smoothly, and at 75% power and 800' down the runway, my RV-14 broke ground and flew for the first time!

As with any new engine, the break in process calls for flight at 65 - 75% power for extended times to seat the rings in the cylinders. During that time, the engine CHTs run pretty hot, so engine cooling is the important issue to deal with. My first flight was about an hour long, circling the airport at 7,500'. CHTs started at around 435F during climb, settled out to 420F upon leveling out at 7500', and came down to 402F prior to reducing power and descending back to land. Since then, I've worked on sealing the baffles better and my CHTs are down to about 380F.

So... here's the flight report...

- video of first take off

The RV-14 takes off with flaps at zero degrees. After reaching pattern altitude, raise flaps to the -3 degree position, which results in about 4kt increase in speed. Controls are not as light as the RV-7 controls, but are still very smooth and easy. After climbing to 7500', I cautiously turned on the auto pilot, and let it fly the rest of the flight.

picture of panel in flight

When it was time to head back to the airport, I found that the -14 needs a lot of pitch trim, especially when the flaps are lowered. Not really a problem, just something to be very aware of.

Landing was very easy, although the RV-14 sits a lot higher than the RV-7, so my sight picture was a little different than I'm used to seeing.

Video of first landing

Special thanks to my wife who started the process of building the RV-14. My son Casey who constantly encouraged me as I was building and helped buck a couple of rivets. My good friend Tyler who took my chicken scratch paint design ideas and turned it into a paint scheme that I could be proud of. And all of the people who were willing to teach me new skills, lend a hand, or support the project in so many other ways.

video of engine shut down after first flight

Time to go fly off the next 40 hours and take some of these great people up for a flight!
Congrats, Scott! Interesting to read your comparisons of the -7 and the -14.
Great Job Scott!

Congratulations! I'm more than a few Saturdays(??) away from this and posts like this help to keep me motivated.

One question though. What is the purpose of the familiar blue aviation tape in the photo??

I must admit I cheered both your takeoff and landing when watching the videos! Such a beautiful aircraft! Congratulations!
Well done!

Beautiful bird, congratulations! I know you had great flying weather...I flew a first flight Sunday morning.
A tip of the glass to you, Scott.
Congrats Scott! Beautiful plane. Saw you taxiing in the other day - maybe that was your first landing...

Not sure you'll remember, but along the way you shared a few words of encouragement to me and my -9A project. As well as a ride back to Harvey once in your -7. Very motivational. So thanks for all that!