Scott Chastain

Active Member
Show me your ways, Lord;
Teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
For you are the God of my salvation;
On you I wait all the day.

Psalm 25:4-5
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Nice one.


I just noticed from your chapter site my B-52 IP from 20 years ago is a member, Ray B. I saw him a couple years ago hanging out at BFI as I was giving -4 rides to kids during an aviation camp at Galvin. He was waiting for some high rollers to transport on the X. Tried to get him in the -4 but he was unable to cut loose. Maybe you can get him up in the 8.
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That's what I'm talking about!

Awesome Scott! Congratulations!

The Dove looks beautiful and I'm sure she flew as good as she looks!
Have fun!
Congrats Scott..............that 24 hour grin says it all doesn't it!!;)

BEEAAAUUUtiful airplane.
Congratulations Scott! As much fun as it is to build - now you're REALLY going to find out how incredible the RV experience is!


Great form Scott. I am hoping to achieve the same later this year - can't wait!

Well done.



PS Awesome paint scheme !
First Flight

Great Scott! Way to go Superman! The plane is a beauty. I've been waiting to hear of your first flight. I knew it was coming soon. I'm glad to hear of the joy for you and your family. There is nothing like it.

I was talking to Jay Pratt yesterday, and he said that he constantly gets complements on his new Borrowed Horse. Get ready, Descending Dove is going to be admired wherever you take her! You did a beautiful job. The ten years of itchy fiberglass and plexiglas shards, drilled fingers, and small cuts will fade, and you will simply remember the joy this entire trip from HS to the first flight has been.

Congratulations! Well done.
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Woo hoo!!!

Awesome, Scott !! Isn't it a great feeling, after all the frustrations, skin punctures, and fibreglass dust to get that thing in the air the first time ?

That is probably the most beautiful looking -8 I've ever seen. You should be really proud.

Here's hoping we'll tag up sometime at a fly-in.

Again, great job and congrats,
Good job!

It's quite an accomplishment and nothing you'll ever do will compare with that feeling. Enjoy!
Congratulations Scott and company

Great Job Scott! I am sure you found cloud #9 while you were up there. Now don't forget to give that great friend who kept you company in the garage a ride in the end result. :cool:

Congratulations! I'm about ten years and 2000 kits behind you (82790)-I can only hope mine turns out as nice!

Best wishes,
Congratulations, Scott! I look forward to seeing you and your beautiful plane at a fly-in somewhere.

Thanks for the builder motivation! :D
I was in Merced on 5-28-08, and couldn't find you.
I am SO pleased you made it into the air.
We will have to do the Eagle Field thing together.
Congrats Scott!! Way to go!! That is a beautiful aircraft. I hope to see it at OSH. I'm pushing hard to get mine airborne too.
Amost done too....10 years as well...Congrats to you!

Well your post served it's purpose if your goal was to motivate. Wasn't it you who put out that awesome video? I could see you dog aging a little with the progress of your plane (being a vet I notice those things. I too am almost at the tenth year of my RV-8 project and have only the cowling and baffling to do. I expect to finish in July, the ten year point. S/N 80712 (picked up in April 98). LOVE THE PAINT DESIGN!
congrats scott

Kudos to you scott lovley paint job i flew the 8a i helped build over the last 5 years for the first time on friday "wow" express evevator to the sky doesn't
even begin to express it. Having flown a host of different planes nothing in the world like an rv.

great job!!

Great Job!! Scott!!!
You are onto another adventure, phase one, After,, you need to find and visit all your RV brothers and sisters around your world. Lots of fun to be had out here.!!!
Hope to see you soon.
Beam me up, Scottie

HUGE congratulations to you, Scott. A marvelous and long deserved reward for you ... and your mom! :D
Scott - it's beautiful - can you show us the interior?


Your 8 looks amazing. I think you're using Aviator seats from Classic Aero (by the look of the headrests peeking up....) Could you be so kind as to post some cockpit pictures and tell the rest of us how you like the seats?
I'd love to see the cockpit and panel of this beautiful airplane.


Pete Cheney
Toronto, Canada
Great Job

Loooks great, Scott. Can't wait to see it. Now you know that it has all been worth while.
Have fun in Phase I and fly safe.

Scott A. Jordan
Headrests?....................Headrests!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wished I'd thought of it first.
Back to the garage for just a few more rivets
thanks Scott.....

Thank you for taking the time to answer my request. The cockpit looks just as good as the exterior. Great craftsmanship and detailing. I would say that's a prize-winning airplane.
Have a good flight to Oshkosh with your dad. That sounds like an amazing experience.


Pete Cheney
Hey Scott,
Great to hear your up in the air. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing you at OSH!


P.S. Maybe seeing your airplane will inspire me to get mine painted sooner than later. I'm still waiting for that majic paint scheme to come to my head. Yours is awesome!
Thanks for the compliments, everyone, and I hope to meet all of you this year at Osh. My dad and I are flying out for the first time to fulfill a lifelong dream . . .


I saw your bird at Osh this year and I am very impressed! I sent you a PM.
Oshkosh get together

Scott, I enjoyed meeting you and your dad at Osh. Hope you had a great flight home. Your 8 is a great motivator! Congrads on the award. You should have taken 1st. See you next year.