
Well Known Member
After 6.5 years of building, I took N74VB on the maiden flight yesterday morning. The hard work, blood and sweat paid off, with interest. Man, what a feeling. The plane flies great; straight and true, and on the numbers. The Barrett IO-390 and 200RV prop are an amazing combination. It's as smooth as sitting in a car, and boy did it climb!!!!!!!

I have a Sam James plenum and cowl, and actually have to find a way to get my CHT's a little warmer. Even after leaning, they are a little on the cold side (OAT was 49F).

After leveling off, I was indicating 185mph WOT and 2450rpm. After leaning fuel flow was 11.1gph.

(I'll post a pic later.)





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I have a Sam James plenum and cowl, and actually have to find a way to get my CHT's a little warmer. Even after leaning, they are a little on the cold side (OAT was 49F).

Bart, again my compliments for the apparent nice baffle work. Remember we're looking for a James cowl pressure measurement candidate....please keep it in mind.

After leveling off, I was indicating 185mph WOT and 2450rpm.

Which is without wheel pants no doubt.
Congratulations !!!

One more RV Grin !!!

Have fun with your great flying machine !!!
Congradulations Bart, we have been waiting to hear the news; can't wait til you bring her back to NC.

Jim Woolf

With wheel pants and fairings that thing is going to be a speedster! WOT should be 195 kts maybe, wow.
Congrats, Bart!

VERY nice. I'm glad to hear about your cool CHTs. ;) I'm hoping my SJ plenum offers the same result. It's usually easier to fix too cool than too hot.