
Well Known Member
Yay! It is now my time to offer the traditional "first flight announcement." ;-)

Last Thursday the FAA decided my project was no longer a 'project' but an actual airplane. Yesterday, with the help of Irwin/Ed & Pete from the San Francisco EAA chapter 20 the plane finally flew.

The flight was cut short by an oil temperature sender that was extremely miscalibrated at the high end. However, I did fly long enough to learn that the wings seem to be on straight and the blended Hartzell/Aerosport Power O-360 climbs like a bat out of hell.

A new temp sender should be here in a couple of days - flight testing will resume next weekend. I'll probably still be smiling by then.

Keep pounding them rivets...



RV-7A #71381
San Carlos, CA (phase one in Tracy, CA)

Way to go dude, its a major inspiration for us still building.. your plane
looks awesome.. I bet your sure are proud of her.. :)

another note, those pictures look like some rough areas below... now you can fly away from there sometimes.. just kidding..

Bad to the bone! Congrats! While this may give one an RV grin, on the other hand it makes me wanna cry. But I hope to be there in a year or so. I wanna fly dammit.

Way to go, Kevin!!! I know that test phase will be followed to the letter!!!!!

Great news!
