
Well Known Member
Just a quick note to let everyone know that my RV-7A took it's first flight today. After a few hours of transition training with a local pilot (thanks to Ed McGinty for that!) I calmed my nerves enough to put 1 hour on the Hobbs today.

I have a few squawks that I need to chase down, the biggest one is a heavy left wing. I couldn't let go of the stick or trim it out...any attempt to let go would induce a fairly fast roll to the left. I've already re-re-rechecked my wing angle of incidence and each wing is within .1-degree of each other. I did notice that my ailerons look like they bulge a little bit at the trailing edge. My 2nd squawk could also be caused by this (very light aileron forces). The last major squawk is that my radio (Icom A200) is very quiet. I think I need to turn the gain up a lot!

I do have two minor issues, too. The first was that I heard a slight vibration occasionally, but I think that was caused by the wing-root fairing rubber seal coming loose on the bottom (last 8 inches or so was loose after landing). The other issue is that my EFIS was calling fuel low quite often (probably from sloshing fuel) and I need to figure out how to buffer that.

In the first hour, the rings did not seat...so I've got to continue the full throttle flying until they do. Cylinder head temps were reading between 330 and 374. Oil Temp was a pretty steady 131 F. It was a bit cold today, so I hope that's why.

With no wheel pants or leg fairings I was seeing around 170 mph indicated, and the max RPM was about 2550. I'm sure that'll pick up once the drag is reduced.

As to the heavy wing, I had the same thing. Aileron trim wasn't enough; and I had to hold the stick, even though the force to do so was very light. I actually didn't even notice on the first flight.

All it was, was the aileron trailing edges. One was simply a bit fatter than the other. The right wing was heavy, and the fat aileron was on the left. It was probably only a 1/16" difference. A simple squeeze of about 15" at the (left aileron) outboard end, was all it took. The plane now trims perfectly, with both ailerons in trail with the flaps.

L.Adamson ---- RV6A
Congratulations Sonny!

Since i live in Bend someday i'll be able to check out your plane, it's only 3 ish hours away in a fast plane. It is a little more exciting to hear about a plane that i can reasonably assume i'll see someday, vs something in Texas or SC or further east.

The last major squawk is that my radio (Icom A200) is very quiet. I think I need to turn the gain up a lot!

With no wheel pants or leg fairings I was seeing around 170 mph indicated, and the max RPM was about 2550. I'm sure that'll pick up once the drag is reduced.

If you put the Commant antenna on your plane, ditch the gasket for ground plane... ask me how I know.

Sounds like you're in the ball park!! :D

first flight

Congrats Sonny. You've built a very fine looking, and now flying RV. I tried sending you pictures but they were to large for your server to except.

Blue skies - Rob Herndon
Great day for a first flight

Congrat's on the first flight. Looks like we made it a 2-fer today.
Congratulations on your first flight there Hanger mate! Now I need to get my plane done:D, so I can tear up the skies along with you.

Rob and Steve, thanks to the both of you for your help. You guys are great...I hope to return the favor!

Thanks to everyone else that replied, too! I'm looking forward to the next several hours of flight time. ;)
Congrats, Sonny. I was hoping you'd get 'er done during our recent spat of good wx.

Your CHTs are fine. Never heard of one too low. OT is low. I've permanently blocked ~30% of the cooler's fins on my two -7s and a -6. OTs still are hard pressed to reach 170 winter, yet are <190 in desert heat. You may need to block fins also. Seems the SJ cowl is working.

John Siebold
Congrats on first flight

Sonny, congratulations on your first flight!

I live down the road over on Red Baron. We're planning a fly-in soon, and I'll bet we're even inside your test area! I'll be sure to forward an invitation to you.
Giddy Up!

Hey Sonny,

Congrats! It was good to talk to you along the way. I hope we meet up at OSH with our planes this year!!
John and Pete, you guys were very helpful during the past couple years and I appreciate it a lot! I was happy to have your knowledge to draw on. ;)

I was just out at the airport and noted something "funny". I was checking a few things for my heavy left wing problem and noticed that my trim moved the stick in the opposite direction! I had to rewire it at one point, and may have gotten them mixed up. I'm very glad that those springs aren't very strong! :eek: Just to make sure, though, the stick is supposed to move in the direction you're trimming for, right?? ie, if I'm pushing the button on the right, it should move the stick to the right. Right?

Also, do any of you have any ideas about my radio issue? The Receive level is pretty low. It's the same with the intercom on or off. The volume knob on the A200 is maxed out, but headset volume is weak. Very clear reception, just quiet. I did follow the sigtronics SP200S wiring instructions for Stereo headsets. I'm using an Avcomm A900 headset that is supposed to be stereo & mono. The headset jack has 3 contact points (TRG)...which I think makes it Stereo.
Sonny, You have to adjust the internal gain on the 200. Mine did the same thing. Also is the volume on the intercom OK? If that is low I think there is a resistor needed between the two. My IA friend is great at getting this combination to work perfectly. If you have more problems I'll set you up to talk to him. Don
Sonny, You have to adjust the internal gain on the 200. Mine did the same thing. Also is the volume on the intercom OK? If that is low I think there is a resistor needed between the two. My IA friend is great at getting this combination to work perfectly. If you have more problems I'll set you up to talk to him. Don

Hi Don,
I pulled the radio tonight, but there is no access hole for increasing the gain. There's Sidetone, squelch and Mic. But nothing else. The Sigtronics intercom is turned all the way up...I did that a couple months back. If you know any other tricks, let me know!