
Well Known Member
I am pleased to report that Sunday, Oct 28 was the first flight of RV-8 N58DG, Serial # 82397.

All went well with minor issues noted... it flew and handled well, even in blustery conditions (the windsock speaks volumes).

I spent 4 1/2 years building, with the last four months especially grueling (it was typically 104 degrees and 80% humidity in the hangar --- welcome to Florida!!!).


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Did you report to Mothership? The picture with windsock volume would make a perfect entry into RV history book. Congratulations!
Congrats, enjoy your new airplane !

I suppose you'll have the same 'irresistible euphoria' I had

Just '80' kit before you

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Congrats Don

Congratulations on a HUGE milestone - enjoy the fruits of your labor in Phase 1 and beyond!

I too, like Traver B., started my "-8" on Sunday... a slow build.:D

To Jim and TBuck,

"The flight of a thousand miles begins with the first rivet, grasshopper."

If you get the reference you must be close to my age.

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Of We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Very nice Don, congratulations! Hope to put my first flight posting on this weekend.

Love to discuss your engine/prop set up, we may have about the same. Is your Whirlwind a FP or CS?