
Well Known Member
:) My -7A took to the sky this afternoon. My brother, Walt, was at the controls and reported excellent flight characteristics, solid engine performance and CHT's showing the engine well on it's way to being broken in. There were just a few minor squawks.

I'll be doing my first flight tomorrow!

Many thanks for all of those that have helped during the build and to VAF as an incredible resource. Special thanks to Walt for getting me turned on to Vans Aircraft and for all his guidance - not to mention the major todays major milestone.
Congrats Rick! Was that you guys doing laps this afternoon in Walt's plane while I was waiting for my IFR release to SA? It looked like some first flight landing practice from the hold short line. It was a perfect day for a first flight. My day was first flight fully IFR legal and in the system. Did you see that sky! Not a cloud in sight to punch through :(.
You're going to love it.

yep that was us. I saw you at the hold short line during one of the landings in Walt's plane. It was a great day for flying.
Congrats, Rick. Stop by the hangar and give me a full brief...

The DAR will be looking at my plane Wed am.
Contratulations Rick!

It seems like it was only a few years ago when you showed-up at one of our monthly dinners and you were getting your shop in shape to start your build. The dinners are no longer, but it sounds like there are enough guys from that original group of diners to start their own "flyers only" group: Mike, Scott, Deene, Phil, Rick.
