
Active Member

And yet another successful first flight test of an RV-9A. I did the flight yesterday, July 25, 2009 at Columbus, GA and couldn't be more excited and happy. As all the builders have reported its an amazing experience.

Thank you to the many people who have helped me during the last eight years with the big and small task and to everyone who posted information and asked the questions before me. I could have never done this alone. Thank you to Pierre Smith for transition training (it was my best landing yet Pierre).

Have fun at OSH everyone.
Lynn Hall
This was really big day

Cool beans! Congratulations.
Excellent video, thank you both.
Simply outstanding!!

A big congratulations, Lynn! A big "Hi" to your wife from all of us here.

Keep taking baby steps and do the testing.

Sounded great, looked great, Lynn!

The woman commentator was a lot more nervous than the guy in 54L but she kept her cool.

Congrats to both.


Great finish to a great build. Loved the video...............CONGRATS!!!!!:D

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... Phase 1 as of July 15, 2009

What a great video! You might have been scared but guess what...YOU DID IT! I'm reminded of a great line in the movie "Tin Cup" when Roy McAvoy said "You define the moment or the moment defines you."

You certainly defined that moment Lynn and nobody can ever take that away. Many congratulations to you. :)
Congrats and great video! Certainly one of those days in your life which you will never forget. :D

Come on over to Warner Robins (5A2) when you are ready. Every fourth Sat. @9am is our pancake breakfast. We have a fantastic chapter.
Wonderful video!

Hello Lynn. I just watched you first flight video and it put a lump in my throat to see how happy you were! Congratulations to you and your wife.
Congrats to Lynn!!

Hi Lynn:

I just watched your U Tube video with a big smile plastered all over my wrinkled old face.

You said:
"I don't know what to say?"
"I couldn't believe how good it flew?"
"My heart was racing the whole time."

Lynn, it's been 160 hours and after every flight I probably repeat those same lines with one addition: "UNBELIEVABLE".

Congrats my friend and welcome to the brother/sisterhood.
I enjoyed that video..!


My "first flight was in July (7th) of 2001.....just when you ordered your kit....we were both smiling that month....well done !! now the other kind of fun begins
Way to go. I will always remember my first flight. I didn't get any pics or movies. I told the wife I was going to get some fuel at the other end of the field. Than before she knew what happened, I was taxi back to the hangar. That was about 45minutes later. She took a nap. Yup, I did the first flight and the only people that knew it was the tower. Enjoy the movie for years to come.