
Unrepentant fanboy
After 5 delays for various reasons, the weather was decent and the requisite family members and friends were present, and N16GN finally slipped the surly bonds! I bent the first metal in January of 2008, and I've got 1895 hours in the build so far, with the wheel pants and gear fairings still to go.

Despite the experience of my transition training with Alex, I still uttered a choice profanity in surprise as the nose broke ground and she started climbing like a homesick angel, the power to weight ratio gives astounding takeoff performance! After a few minutes to make sure everything was mostly copacetic, I determined the airplane flies most excellently hands-off, no heavy wing. I don't have my wheel pants or gear fairings on yet, but at 5500' and close to 65F OAT (I'll have to pull the data from the Dynon and look at it) I was running 25.5" MAP and 2640 RPM and showing 165KTAS. This is with an IO360 and WW 200RV prop, and a first-flight ramp weight of right at 1410 pounds. I will say that the airspeed is unconfirmed and that number seems a bit high for what I expected, and the air at this altitude was fairly turbulent, but that is indeed what I saw on the display.

Only two squawks - oil temperature climbed up to 233 at the 17 minute mark before I pulled power back and decided to call it good, I have the Niagara 7-row oil cooler and that may not be enough, or I might have a stuck Vernatherm. I'm running Aeroshell 100W straight mineral oil for the break-in. The oil temp did come down once I reduced power though, so it may just be an engine break-in issue. The other issue was noticed on the ground once I de-cowled the plane, I had just the faintest trace of oil on the bottom of my prop governor, not enough to say it was a leak versus remnants of a drip from an oil change, but enough to make me keep an eye on it. TTAF is now 0.4, I'll try to get more later this week.

Taxiing out to see if this thing will really work or not...


Breaking ground the first time. There is a dirt overrun behind me producing the dust from my prop blast. This is west Texas after all, we gotta have some dust...


I reached normal pattern altitude about the end of the 3000' paved runway - I love this thing!


And of course, the obligatory RV-Grin - finally!! It's been a long road getting here...

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Congratulations Greg. Can't wait to get that same feeling your having right now.:D Fly safe.:)
Great news, Greg!! I'm glad there were very few surprises as an uneventful first flight is what we all hope for!

If all goes well, my first flight will be this Wednesday....just waiting for the Santa Ana winds to die down, and to get rid of the last traces of a head cold. With 80-plus-degree ambient temps here, I'll need to keep a close eye on the oil temps too.
Congrats on the first flight. You are going to love your RV-9A!

Have a safe Phase 1.
That is so cool Greg. A 9A with an IO360 flying as you expected. Nice work - wish I was finished with mine. Hopefully this summer I will be joining you in the air!!
Greg---I too would like to offer my warmest congratulations on this great event! I remember you and I talking early on in your build. Gives me pleasure to see another of my friends fly their creation for the first time.

Be safe, and enjoy!
Congratulations my friend! I'm glad to hear you got it airborne! 165 kts might be a little high with no wheel pants, what was your GPS giving you for a ground speed? With wheel pants and similar configuration (James cowl, IO-360) I can push a little over 170 steady state at full power in my 9A.


Bravo Greg,

Been following your build for a long time - learned a lot from your posts.
Awesome job!!!

Congratulations Greg, glad to hear you have made such a great accomplishment. Few people have done so. As fun as the build has been it will now double with the use of that thing.
Congratulations Greg!

I will be running the same combination - IO360 and WW 200RV prop -
Look forward to your stats once broken in.

Congratulations Greg! Now we have 2 Flying RV's in Glasscock County!..... About 4 years ago, my brother told me a Guy was building a Vans RV in St Lawrence and we went and looked at it. The minute I laid my eyes on that project and talked to Greg I knew I was in trouble! Greg's guidance and encouragement was priceless to me and I'm sure I wouldn't be flying my own RV7 if it hadn't been for that visit 4 years ago and all his help along the way!

Congratulations again on the Beautiful Bird Greg!
Congratulations. Will be interested to see how the WW prop does for you once things settle in.


Let me get my Phase I knocked out, and we'll meet up to try out our different props against each other!

Congratulations my friend! I'm glad to hear you got it airborne! 165 kts might be a little high with no wheel pants, what was your GPS giving you for a ground speed? With wheel pants and similar configuration (James cowl, IO-360) I can push a little over 170 steady state at full power in my 9A.


Agreed - I suspect that may be a bit high, either through pitot/static error or the bumpy air and I was descending for that, not sure yet. I was pretty busy on the first flight and the air was bumpy, I'll graph out the Dynon data and compare IAS/TAS/GS alongside VSI and see if I can spot some something more realistic. Work is going to have me pinned down for a few days before I get to fly again.
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Hi Greg,

Congratulations on a job well done-----you are going to love the 360/RV9a combo----fast--efficient---and low maintenance!! Great mid to high altitude cross country machine. As I know you will find out--that wing is in its realm between 10 and 14k ft---incredibly efficient!!!

Have fun in phase I.


Congratulations!! What a wonderful feeling. How much drag does the windsock have being mounted just behind the windscreen?
Congrats on the build and first flight Greg. You'll truly enjoy the 9. I have 46 hours on mine and still am amazed how much fun it is to fly. don't have fairings on yet but am working on it. Have fun