
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
....from Jamie (moved to its own thread per Jamie's request)

On Friday, July 27th, 2007 N622JP took to the air for the first time. Mike Stewart was at the controls. The flight was eventful, but Mike handled it as I knew he would, which is precisely why I asked him to perform the first flight. I would encourage others to do the same if you do not have a lot of RV time. I may elaborate later but for now it's time to celebrate!

This morning Mike came out and we solved the squawks and Mike jumped back in and went again. This time the airplane performed flawlessly. He landed, we went over everything again and I took off. I got in three flights today! The airplane flies beautifully -- no heavy wing, no rudder trim required, etc.

Here I am descending for landing. Picture taken from the rear seat of Mike's -8 by my wife.


And here's my version of the RV grin.

A video of Mike's flight this morning is here. I guess I should have stood at the approach end of the runway. :)
Jamie D. Painter
Suwanee, GA
RV-7A Flying! (Phase I)
Tip-Up | Slow-Build | Superior XP-360 (injected) | Hartzell C/S | Dynon EFIS+EMS

I saw this airplane last Thursday and I can attest to the fact that it is one of the best examples of outstanding workmanship. Jamie and his wife, Jami (sp) built this slow build kit with her rivetting and him bucking and each and every rivet looks as though it was driven with loving care.....absoluetly great workmanship and a beautiful example of how one should be built.

Congratulations to both of you
Excellent work Jamie and Jaime!

Glad could be a part of the first flight on day 1. Now get those last nutplates on there and go fly off your 40 so we can go have some real fun.

Waiting for your next arrival as well.

- Scott
Great Job!

Excellent achievement Jamie. I did my first flight 8 months, 190 hours ago, did my IFR in the 7a and just graduated aerobatic school.

These things are a blast!.....Enjoy..:)

Super Congrats!!!

Jamie!!!!!! I'm so proud of you... and your wife... dont forget her!!! I think a nice dinner is in store..
Call me sometime.. I'll buy!
Brian Wallis
pierre smith said:
I saw this airplane last Thursday and I can attest to the fact that it is one of the best examples of outstanding workmanship. Jamie and his wife, Jami (sp) built this slow build kit with her rivetting and him bucking and each and every rivet looks as though it was driven with loving care.....absoluetly great workmanship and a beautiful example of how one should be built.

Thanks Pierre. It's appreciated. I also want to acknowledge my friend Burton Carlysle with steady-handed rivet work. Burton is great in that he's very easy to work with and leaves no rivet even the slightest bit proud. He drove while I bucked the bulk of the bottom wing skin and the fuselage rivets I couldn't reach by myself.

Here's Burton way back in Feb, 2005 inspecting the work on the inside of my right wing.


The greatest asset you can have in your toolbox is a cellphone to call a good friend when you need a hand. Thanks, Burton. You're #2 pax (after my wife, of course!).
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First - Congratulations! It looks like a lot of care was taken to build your plane.

Everytime I read about a first flight, it fires me up to finish mine - though I still a long way off.

Enjoy and fly safe.
Jamie, yours was of course the first real-life RV I got to see under construction. I am completely stoked for you. Congrats!

Congratulation Jamie on getting your -7 in the air. I hope to join up with you all in the somewhat near future. Call or email me if you and the other LZU RV drivers are ever over my way,(RYY,VPC, or the soon to be complete Paulding Co. airport). I would like to get a first hand look at the bird.
Congrats, Jaime! I had the honor of inspecting Jamie's airplane, and it was truly well done. Jamie is one of those people you meet that have the aviation sparkle in their eye, and a supportive, involved family at home. What more could one want?!

Now more fun and the creation of lifelong RV-travel memories begins!

Way to go Jamie! It is nice to see one in the air that I have been following for a while. Enjoy the ride!
Way to go Jamie! If your Phase 1 flight radius includes Copperhill (1A3) or Blairsville (46A) let me know. I'd love to see the plane and meet you. If you stop by Blairsville I might even help pay for some of that liquid gold they pump. ;)

This applies to you too, Scott!