
Well Known Member
I took my first flight in the RV-12 at the expo. I flew with Paul from the school and we put the little plane through it's paces. Stalls, cross control stalls and even accelerated stalls. I've been telling everyone the plane should be pretty much like my 152 given capacity, range, seating, power etc. But it's nothing like the 152 once it's in the air. What a great little plane. The wife also took a ride and she loved it. I can't wait to finish mine.
My wife and I are at the Expo also and have 2 rides scheduled for tomorrow - one for her and one for me with Mike Seager at 7:30 and 10:30. Hope my wife likes it as well.

FYI - we toured the Van's RV factory this morning in Aurora. We were impressed on how neat and orderly it was.

Bob and Carol
Carol took her first flight in the RV-12 today and loved it. Trouble getting insurance verification for the airport this morning so my flight was cancelled.

Hi Paul,

It was great flying with you. I've been telling my friends I flew with a jet pilot and he was teaching me how to dogfight in a RV12. For all those who are halfway through your build and starting to burn out (you know who you are:rolleyes:) go take a ride in a finished plane. It will inspire you to get busy. I've been in the wings for nearly a year. I plan on finishing up the right wing over the next two weekends (left wing is now part of my living room d?cor). Big push to get into the fuselage.